God,Family,Vince,Friends,Dance,Music,Thrift Shops,Purses,Horror films,Books,Painting,Pottery...Blahabalahblah
People who are openminded and aren't fucking rude lil' bitches! AND!!! Johnny Depp!!
Donnie Darko,The Wall, Blow, Requiem for a Dream,and any horror film OR old classic films(Wizard of OZ).
Fuse, The Dave Chapelle Show is hilarious! And my all time favorite...SOUTH PARK! RENO 911
The Da Vinci Code Lord of the Flies
My AWESOME cousin, Erica Guarajado. Rochize, Mary Jane Watson, Lexa, Abe John, Frank, Jose Luna, and my boy, Vince. Sy and DaL ,ROCK ON! I MISS YA'LL! 5-20 xUANAN cAPPY dANNY aMBER