Watching Manga, Reading and Playing computer games
Get a scroller sign at!
All my friends i met while Playing World of Warcraft.Too bad the majority of them live in the US :(*Shakes Fist* Come down and visit me damn it!
I listen to pretty much anything cept the romantic stuff
Anything Sci-fi, fantasy, Comedy, horror and Manga/AnimatedNO CHICK FLICKS!
Star Trek Star wars Battlestar galactica SG1 and Atlantis Any Anime they put on TV
Anything and Everything but i love huge series of fantasy and Sci fi and occasionally Horror
My Mum - She overcame some harships in her life to raise me and my little brother to who we are today.Barb - For being a confidant and friend who never made me feel like i was stupid and from stopping me from doing something i would regretLuscious - For making me feel good about myself and making me laugh, never judging me and accepting my faults.Lastly to Barb and Lucious what can i say to truly express my feelings cept "SHOW US YER TITS!" ;)