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"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
-Harvey Fierstein
And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in all the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual.
-John Steinbeck, East of Eden
Short, Sweet when I want to be,Blunt and to the point ( I try to soften the blow but somehow never could do that in a nice way ( I speak what I think and its hard to stop the words from my mouth until it is said), Sarcstically funny,I can talk your ears off and talk about nothing especially if someone wants me to shut up I just talk about nothing even more. ( Yess! I love to agrivate people, in a fun way) Good natured, Love Pranks and jokes, being outdoors and spending my time with my Family and Friends.
I smile, laugh and even joke with myself. Yeah I am Crazy and a little off, but I show up everyday! I talk to myself and even answer myself, ohh and I do fight with myself, most of the time I win. I like to get the last word or sound. I Love my Husband Corie, I can pick, joke and aggrivate the Hell out of him and still look at him and get a smile!
The person that I am Today, is what Life has molded me into. All the lessons, the joys, the fears, and the tears, has lead me to many experiences. With out those I wouldn't be as strong as I am. My parents taught me to be able to work hard for what I want (some advice was not taken and I fell on my face a few times), but also to put my mind and heart into it, then I can reach that goal! You live, learn, fall down pick yourself up or have help getting back up and keep going. When I am down and out,I can only go up from here. I have never been too down that I couldn't see the silver lining at the top, I just have to pick my self up and climb till its making a halo around my head, and so bright that I can't see. My Friends, I can say I have many! These are the Friends I can lean on in my time of need(not very often). I like to let them lean on me, I like helping my friends, hanging out with them when I can. (Hard when you live miles away instead of just down the road!)Last but not Least... Live and Let live is my moto. You are the one who has to live with what you do. We all have reasons for what we do. I belive, do what you will and do what you can wake up to tommorrow, with out having to regret what you did or didn't do. We all make choices that affect our lives (good or bad), but you are the one that has to live it. I don't give advice unless it is asked for (most of the time). I do suggest (a lot), but if you don't take that advice, it is fine with me, that was just me being a friend. Take Care to all my Friends, Be safe. I love yall!