Football - Preston North End: home n away matches, PNE in general! oh and playing football beats just about anything! DALE HALL FC!!! waheyy.Climbing - not many people do this that i know but believe me its quality!Nights out!! - not much beats a night out in Preston or Liverpool. great mates, plenty of drink, quality music and of course a gud RAVE! and another special ingredient!!Pool/ snooker - great little sport, getting better but wud like to improve!im sure there is more but im tired right now....
MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: Will
Birthdate: 18 August 1989
Birthplace: Glorious Preston!!
Current Location: In my uni room in Liverpool
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brun
Height: hmm bout 6"1 me thinks
Weight: bout 11 ish
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: Leo grrr
Ethnicity: caucasian (is that right??)
Body Type: erm.... erm.... human :S
Favorite Food: prob chinese or chippy!!
Favorite Drink: something with alcohol in it, maby beer but depends on the time
Baseball Team: i dont have one. know nowt about baseball
(when) Bedtime: wenever the hell i dam well like :D
Favorite Color(s): probibaly blue, although thats supposed to be a depressing colour so maby green or red.
Favorite Letter: W of course
Favorite Number: erm, 18 atm cuz i wer born on the 18th and im 18!
Candy: what's your candy!!! wat type of a question is that!
Favorite Animal: monkeys!!!! hillarious
Favorite Messenger: MSN
Screename: :PWILL lmao!: sexy!! dunno wat the hell the other thing is on bout!
Random...: randomness is gud yeh. just not literally insane!!
How Do You Want To Die?: quickly, painlessly and a long time off
What country do you want to Visit: Scotland, so near yet i hav never been!
Been to the Mall Lately: well i went today to the SHOPPING CENTRE and didnt buy owt!
Do you like Thunderstorms: to be honest they are a bit of fun!
Shower Daily: yeh, cant wake up without one
Do you Sing: all the time yeh!!!
Want to go to College: been there, done that!
Clothes: boxers!!! in bed atm!
Shoes: feet
Make-Up: not right now ;)
Hair Do: messed up bed look!! only the best!!
Phone: sony erricson something (currently broken)
Phone Number: 07828832979 if u must know!
Location: the 'pool
Weather: dark!!!
Website(s): facebook & myspace
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best programme in the world ever: TOP GEAR!! and family guy is very highly rated!!
All my gud mates, every last one and of course my family.