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About Me

Hey everyone!! I'm Mike and i'm 20 years-old!! I'm currently attending the University of La Verne, going into my junior year, and my major is psychology!! JUNIOR YEAR IN COLLEGE!! Man has time gone by so fast!! I love ULV and am proud to be a Leo!! GO LEOS!! At the University of La Verne I run cross country and I am a part of the best fraternity, PHI DELTA THETA!! GO PHI DELTS!! I love being involved on campus and this year I decided to be an OWL (Orientation Week Leader)!! Being an OWL is alot of fun and I have made alot of amazing and great friends from being an OWL!! I am also going to be an RA (Resident Assistant) next year on Oaks "D" Bottom, which was my old floor freshman year and I am excited to meet my new residents!! I also plan on getting more involved on campus through various clubs and organizations on campus because "college is really what you make it." Other than school, I have an identical twin brother and a younger sister!! I love my brother,sister, and the rest of my family very much and we are all very close!! I am Mexican, Filipino, and Hawaiian. That pretty much sums me up right now and if you wanna get to know me better then just add me as a friend!! Later!!

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