About Me
Likes: Music, Girls, Friends, Making noises while showering, Wuppies, Having Fun, Going Out, Drinkin Alcohol, Smoking Some Herbs, Teasing My Brother, Looking At Comedie Shows, Writing Stupid Stuff Down (like this), Holidays, Vacation, Dreaming, Sleeping, Eating, Roalercoasters and Thrill Rides, Scars, Making Money, Playing Xbox, Ordering Pizza's, Taking Someone Out For Dinner, Mr. Wok + Idol's, Kentucky Fried Chicken! (not stupid McDonalds where you've got to get 2 entire meals before you're stomach is finally full), hehe, Nighttown + Waterfront + Now n Wow, Coffeeshops, MSN, Turkish Pizza's + Dönner Kebab!!(my utimate passion in life, Chocomel *de enige echte*, Coca Cola & Fanta, Potato chips(A), Flirting (but not too much to get me into any trouble;)), Good grades, Throwing away alarm clocks, Receiving calls, Short calls;), Going to the skate-park, Going to Museumpark, Any park will do just fine, Beating my home-boi's with games, The Sun, Falling down without being hurt, To be in the center of attention, Myspace, Fanta Orange (I like your bubbles(A)), My Disney-hat, Nintendo DS Brain Academy, My little toy car, My room + bed + candles + Elise + Deftones..., Z@p the neger, Watching movies with friends, Paddo's (They are soooo sick!), Playing bass... many more to come...
Dislikes: War(A), Fighting, Cowards, Rain, Hail, Snow (when it's melting), Cold, Condoms, Waiting in Line, Waiting while Mp3's batteries are gone, Punkrock, Br33z4h, Wigga's, Shoplifters, Rotten Appels, Ugly Cars, People who need to much attention, People who have to much of an Ego;), the damn cold!, Liars and Hypocrits, Getting too little money for your work, Walking home from a long night of Partying, The Chains from my bicycle that always come off, Falling down, Cleaning my room, Going to the supermarket for groceries, changing Light Bulbs, Cold Shower, James Cunt (he makes me cry;)), Breaking up with Girls, Having to break up with Girls, Loosing Friends (to Games -.-), People who talk behind your Back, Going to school in the morning, Waking up, Sleeping less than 4 hours, Nightmares, Sweating to much, Shaving, Playstation, Hangovers, Those call games on tv, Making Sandwiches, Going to a funeral, cremations, Dying people in particular, Jehova's-getuigen, Opening the door downstairs when I'm on the second floor, Shoes that are too tight, Crowded places where you can't normally walk through, Stupid Drunk People, Writing Essay's, People who judge to fast, Bands who cancel they're performance, Sleeping in trains with a camera in you're face;), Falling People, Broken Bones, My Nose that Bleeds a lot -.- , PC that crashes, Washing + Ironing Clothes, Cleaning up after dinner, Exams and a lot more!