T h e W a s h i n g M a c h i n e is born from a fusion between the schizophrenic pianist Fred and the psychedelic guitarist Matt. Then came the wonder-magic drummer pitou and the onstage-mad chicken bassist Ludo
Most songs were written in Sweden within the name Borea, then as the final band's line-up is set in Nancy (France), the songs got more rock touch.
From gigs to other gigs, T h e W a s h i n g M a c h i n e ("wushimushi" fast pronounced") is more known to people. The main problem with this band is the very bad custom to rehearsal on Saturday morning !! Some extra-sensitive members of the band don't support this well.
The particularity of this band, is to throw alive chickens on stage during their performance. As opposed to Marilyn Manson, they dont kill them, they just play music with them and chickens like it!
Traduction 4 the Frencheez :
T h e W a s h i n g M a c h i n e est ne de la fusion entre Borea (compos du pianiste schizophrene Fred) et l'univers Funk/Disco du guitariste psychedelique Matt ;-) ainsi que l'univers magique et merveilleux et dechainer de pitou le drummer et ludo le poulet bassiste
La majorite des compos ont etes ecrites en Suede sous le nom Borea, puis lors du line up final du groupe Nancy (France) une touche plus rock est apportee ces musiques.
De concert en concert, T h e W a s h i n g M a c h i n e evolue et se fait connaitre.
Le principal defaut du groupe est sa manie de repeter le samedi a 8h00 du matin. Certains membres sensibles le supportent mal
La particularite de ce groupe est certainement du au fait quils lancent des poulets vivants sur scene pendant leur prestation. Contrairement a Marilyn Manson, ils ne les tuent pas, ils ne font que jouer de la musique avec eux, et les poulets aiment ca !