I'm Crystal and I am a DIE HARD BSB fan! I have been a devoted fan for 12 years (and running) Nick has been my favorite from the start. I love him for many reasons; not just because he is sexay! I had the privilege of meeting the boys on Tuesday August 26th 2008 in Sudbury, Ontario after my sister bought me a VIP pass. (Thanx so much kimmy) It was the best day of my life. Even though it was just a "Hi, how you doing, with a handshake"...It was amazing! And they're all so sweet! Brian reminds me of myself lol. I love music of all sorts and hope to become a singer one day; given the chance to meet friends with that same interest. I love video games and basketball. I can often be found in from of the TV with my XBOX360, playing basketball at the school or biking. I am never without my IPOD (Which stores EVERY SINGLE BSB song and Video) I love animals, especially Wolves and Siberian Huskies, and I hope to have a Dog Sled Team one day.
I got my profile from Got Backstreet? :the source for everything BACKSTREET!