Almost anything. I've been listening to Amos Lee a lot lately. Old college favorites include REM, Too Much Joy, and Lowen and Navarro. James Taylor. Jack Johnson.
Star Wars. Princess Bride. Moulin Rouge. Finding Nemo. Jaws. Saw. Field of Dreams. Rudy. Shawshank Redemption. Raiders of the Lost Ark. The Silence of the Lambs. It's a Wonderful Life. Alien. The Shining. Fargo. Cool Hand Luke. Children of Men. Latter Days. Big Fish...
Lost. Heroes. Grey's Anatomy. Ugly Betty. Family Guy. SVU. Daily Show. The Simpsons. I watch too much TV.
anything by David Sedaris. I can't forget the DSM-IV: TR. Yes, I've read the Harry Potter Books too.
Anyone who works to improve the lives of others and the world around us. Each person who stands up to what's right. Anyone who wants to impeach our stupid president.