Maul Girls profile picture

Maul Girls

About Me

The story of the Maul Girls is an epic tale of love, loss, passion, greed, and fabulous cork pumps. It begins with Leah Maul, a girl with plenty of fish to fry and a multitude of bees in her bonnet. Leah was a girl who was born to throw stones in glass houses, and she was restless.
She believed that there was no business like show business, so she decided to strike while the iron was hot because the city never sleeps and only the early bird catches the worm. But it takes two to tango, and Leah soon linked up with Jenny Maul, a woman with a face that could launch a thousand ships and who would just love to teach the world to sing while drinking carbonated beverages. The Maul Girls were born.
Now as you know, birds of a feather flock together and there's one in every crowd and possibly one born every minute as well. So it was only natural that the apple wouldn't fall far from the tree and the duo would find another Maul in the woods. Her name was Bobbie, and her game was guitar. And she was good. In fact, she could play that guitar just like ringing a bell.
Leah declared that a rolling stone gathers no moss and that it was all systems go and full steam ahead, but Bobbie warned them that they were putting the cart before the horse. Patience is a virtue, even though time was of the essence. A rock band without a strong rhythm section is up the creek without a paddle, so to speak.
Having decided that discretion was the better part of valor and that there would be safety in numbers, the trio cast out their nets far and wide, for there were other Mauls in the sea.
Their names were Anne-Marie and Stephanie and they were two peas in a pod, thick as thieves. Red-headed stepchildren they may have been, but for the Mauls, they were right as rain and just what the doctor ordered.
With all deck hands aboard this ship of fools, it was time to face the music. In a dog eat dog world, only music soothes the savage beast. The Maul Girls kept their collective nose to the grindstone and soon were firing on all cylinders. They jumped in head-first and swam with the sharks. And for this band, it was easy as pie. It was like shooting ducks on a pond...or possibly, fish in a barrel.
And the rest, as they say, is history. The fruits of their labor are out there for all to hear and enjoy. It's as plain as the nose on your face. Unless you've cut off your nose to spite your face, in which case you have no basis for comparison.
found this plain layout at HOT

My Interests


Member Since: 26/03/2006
Band Members: Jenny Brooks - lead vocals

Leah Roblin - guitar, vocals

Bobbie Dowd - guitar, vocals

Anne-Marie Stehn - bass

Stephanie Madden - drums

Influences: Patti Smith, Beatles, B-52's, Van Morrison
Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Some Maulin’ Press!

A cool review of Saturday's show from Lucid Culture.  Check it out: Maul Girls Reunion at Crash Mansion; Ninth House at MI-5, NYC 9/8/07 Septe...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 10:40:00 GMT