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I always love a good challenge

About Me

Whats up, my name is Justin, 25, I live in OC. Im pretty easy going and enjoy doing anything fun, new and exciting! I love sushi, wine, meeting new people, movies, networking and working. You will usually find me at the beach, clubs, bars, events or at a friends house. I have many goals that I set for myself and I accomplish all of them through hard work and a positive attitude.Sign up for the Groove Cruise now! Its gunna be crazy! July 25-28th. LND TV will be filming the entire cruise and will air on our new TV Show, starting September 1st on Channel KDCO in So Cal. Use referral code DRIVEN and save $50! Click on flyer below for more info on cruise or simply email me with questions: ..

My Interests

Here are some of the recent videos that I have produced........Benchwarmer Holiday Party 2006

Add to My Profile | More Videos Me chillin' backstage with E40 Justin and E40

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I'd like to meet:

George Lucas, Ron White, Carlos Mencia, Dave Chappelle, Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell, Quentin Tarantino...


pretty much everything.


The Secret, The Big Lebowski, Super Troopers, Wedding Crashers, Identity, Smoking Aces, American Pie, The Blues Brothers, The Great Outdoors...and the list goes on


Entourage, Family Guy, Seinfeld, Simpsons, Sopranos


Think and Grow Rich


Mr. Hefner, sushi chefs, midgets, and of delivery girls.