~* aRe-nEz *~ profile picture

~* aRe-nEz *~

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i'M a siMpLe pErsOn ~* gOOd LisTenEr ~* lOve MovIes ~* LikE TraVeLLinG ~* eAsy To LauGh aNd sMiLiNg ^_^ ..aNd OthErS..U juDgE fOr mE..

My Interests

tRaveL // mUsiC // mOviEs // eAt // hAng oUt wIth fRenZ // sUrf IntErNet....

I'd like to meet:

i wAnNa mEet sOmeOnE wHo caN mAkE me hEpy,fuN to hAng aRoUnD,caN dEal witH mE oF cOuRse..,lOviNg,caRiNg,cAn mAkE Me smiLE n LauGh...~*


pop n alt rock


all kind of movies


XplOrAce // jaLaN2 CarI mAkAn // fEar FaCtor // nAtiOnaL GeOgraPhiC // cartoonnnn ler..


adventure n love story


someone in my heart..

My Blog

One Night On The Net

One night on the Net I was looking around I found a chat room with people abound I vaguely recall a short chat with you A penfriend you'd like, and you spoke English too I recall your name Dav...
Posted by ~* aRe-nEz *~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Are We Still Friends?

I could have held you all night long, I could have laid next to you forever, But then I know tomorrow soon would come, And still we couldn't be together . . . I went against what my head was say...
Posted by ~* aRe-nEz *~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

12 beautiful things!

when you take 11 red roses and stand in front of a mirror you will see 12 of the most beautiful things in the world!
Posted by ~* aRe-nEz *~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Insan bingung....

Sebuah impian tidak sama dengan sebuah realiti kehidupan.Impian hanya ada kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan tapi realitinya penuh dengan onak dan duri.Hidup hanya sekali.Kita tidak akan tahu bila penghujung...
Posted by ~* aRe-nEz *~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST