fashion layout powered by HOT / MyHotCommentsI've come to learn that "If you don't have at least a handful of haterz then you must not be doing something right", so therefore if you are a hater, I got nothing but love for you!
I Don't Have Time for Games so, When U Recite The Alphabet leave out two letterz... K & D!!!
What up MYspace? It's ya girl KD
! As U can see I'm a TrEaL CoUnTrY cHiCk.I stay Krunk and fly @ all times...ya digg? I got a good head on my shoulders and I'm not about a lot of DRAMA! I'm real down to earth and I'm very intelligent. Therefore I have high standards for myself. People seem to take that as me being stuck up but I'm not (I Promise).
I have a beautiful-- handsome-- lil boy named Kaleb Ja'Khai
, Whom I LOVE dearly!! I would do any and EVERYTHING for him!! He comes 2nd (God being the 1st).
I'm a very goal oriented individual. I've never been one to let obstacles stand in my way of doing what I want to do! I mean just look at me now...people assumed I would fail because I had my son right outta high school(LOL)...NOT! I have
My own place
My own car
A nice paying JOB
I'm In School
Damn, and I still have time left over to stay fly!! --- Word of Advice to those who slept on me.... time to waaakkkkkeee uuuupppp!!!
nOtE 2 aLl HaTeRz
Please find you a new subject! To be honest, I'm tired of the attention. THANKS!!!!
Well, enjoy the rest... MUUUAAHHH!!!!
.: I Have
plenty of HaTeRz but none are bold enough to become eNeMiEs :.