♥ K D ♥ profile picture

♥ K D ♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

fashion layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotCommentsI've come to learn that "If you don't have at least a handful of haterz then you must not be doing something right", so therefore if you are a hater, I got nothing but love for you!
I Don't Have Time for Games so, When U Recite The Alphabet leave out two letterz... K & D!!!
What up MYspace? It's ya girl KD ! As U can see I'm a TrEaL CoUnTrY cHiCk.I stay Krunk and fly @ all times...ya digg? I got a good head on my shoulders and I'm not about a lot of DRAMA! I'm real down to earth and I'm very intelligent. Therefore I have high standards for myself. People seem to take that as me being stuck up but I'm not (I Promise).
I have a beautiful-- handsome-- lil boy named Kaleb Ja'Khai

, Whom I LOVE dearly!! I would do any and EVERYTHING for him!! He comes 2nd (God being the 1st).

I'm a very goal oriented individual. I've never been one to let obstacles stand in my way of doing what I want to do! I mean just look at me now...people assumed I would fail because I had my son right outta high school(LOL)...NOT! I have
My own place
My own car
A nice paying JOB
I'm In School
Damn, and I still have time left over to stay fly!! --- Word of Advice to those who slept on me.... time to waaakkkkkeee uuuupppp!!!
nOtE 2 aLl HaTeRz
Please find you a new subject! To be honest, I'm tired of the attention. THANKS!!!!
Well, enjoy the rest... MUUUAAHHH!!!!
.: I Have plenty of HaTeRz but none are bold enough to become eNeMiEs :.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Kaleb and his Stanky Leg


Stanky Leg Pt 2



My Blog


You know what...this year has been one of the toughest years I've ever had to face but Ima end it right. I've lost wwwaaayyyy too many people close to me and even tho I say it aint my fault..its not e...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Dec 2009 10:02:00 GMT