Be thankful I decided not to wreck this. lovesquirt.
Bonjour... je m'appelle Natasha!! I'm 19 fricking years old and I'm a student at Niagara College. I'm taking broadcasting radio and tv presentation biznatches! I'm obsessed with my rats and degus. I am the owner of 6 rats, 3 boys and 3 girl! I have 2 female degus. I live with my boyfriend and am crazy about him! I'm crazy about my job no matter how much I say I hate it. W00t for prep cook at MT Bellies. Seriously, its one of the most amazing restaurants here in Welland. When I grow up (when I grow up) I want to on the radio. I want to use my big bad radio voice and astound all of you! I'm a big Rent fan. Its amazing and I'm totally obsessed. THERES ONLY NOW THERES ONLY HERERandom things about me:
- I tend to imagine life isn't real
- I cry over silly things like sunsets
- I love track pants
- I scream when I'm mad
- Life is like an egg, fragile but can hold up a book
- Boys are not important
- what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger
- I cried over a boy and I regret it
I live on my own with a boy!! Scandalous! screaming is important... oh god is it ever. I have friends, I think.
I'm obsessed with my rats!
RIP STINKY July 17/06
RIP MOOCH July 19/06
RIP RAYCROFT November 06
I also have 2 Degus that are the cutest things ever. Not many people know about degus but mine are two females named Maple and Leaf! I got Maple from the Welland Humane Society and Leaf from the Pet Store.
My nephew Alexander Douglas was born on October 7th to my lovely brother Dougie and his girlfriend Michelle. As much as I don't get to see them I still love my Alex and I will continue to love him forever. He's my first real nephew aside from Terra, Caleb and Aurora (Mikes nieces and nephews) and I'm obsessed with the little guy. On to pictures.
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!