HiS 1 n 0nLy...*$B@ByDoLl$* profile picture

HiS 1 n 0nLy...*$B@ByDoLl$*

*~y He ThUg Me LiKe DaT???....hE sWeAr To GoD hE d0nT nEeD mE....sOmEtImEs He FeEl LiKe He DoNt NeEd

About Me

Graphics & Layouts
Graphics & LayoutsHolla at me if you want to know anything!!!!
...::About Me::...
Full Name: Adrienne Nicole Fears (Lewis)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Reddish, Brown
Height: 5'5"
Shoe Size: 10
Ring Size: 7
Heritage: African American
Graduating Year: 2008
Birthdate: 2/7/90
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Concert: No Limit Soldiers
Best Friend: Fatdaddy
Crush: IDK
Pet: Puppy named Sheba
Sport: Basketball
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: Hell No
Bungee Jumped: Hell No
Gone out of the Country: Not Yet
Beaten Someone Up: Yeah
Gotten Beat Up: Nah....hmmm = D
Killed an Animal: Uh no
Swam in the Ocean: Eww
Broke the Law: Yes
Smoked: Yes
Chewed Tobacco: Hell No
Drank: Hell Yes
Been Kissed: Yes
Been In Love: I am
Dumped Someone: Just did
Been Dumped: Sadly yes
Broken Someone's heart: Yeppers
Had Your Heart Broken: Too Many Times
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: Nah
Broken A Bone: Nah
Had Surgery: Yep
Had an X-ray or MRI: Yep
Failed a Class: Yep
Color: Pink
Food: Pizza
Drink: Patron!!!!!
Snack: Pringles
Cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Ice Cream: Cookies n Cream
Candy: Kit Kat
Restaurant: Tacos Garcia
Fast Food Place: Chick fil A
Store: Wet Seal
Animal: Monkey
Quote: Love, Live, Life
Sport To Play: Volleyball
Sport To Watch: Football
Movie: Pimp Chronicles
TV Show: College Hill
Type Of Music: Hip Hop
Band: Pretty Ricky
Singer: Keyshia Cole
Song: Stay by Pretty Ricky
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream: Ice Cream
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
Love or Money: Love
Music or TV: Music
Cat or Dog: Dog
Mom or Dad: Mama!!!!
Truck or Car: Car
Ocean or Lake: Ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: Yahoo
Google or AJ: Google
Light or Dark: Dark
Country or City: City
Rain or Sunshine: Sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: Grill
Personality or Looks: Personality
Hair Color: Black or Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Short or Tall: Tall
Romanic or Spontaneous: Romantic
Sense of Humor or Sweet: Both
Hook up or Relationship: Relationship
Feeling: Tired and Lonely
Listening To: Nothin
Wanna: be hugged up wit my boo
Doing Besides Typing: lookin at tha cpu screen
Thinking About: STEVIE
Wearing: T-shirt and cheer shorts
In Love: w/ Stevie
Single: nope
Best Friends: Too many to type
...::The Future::...
Career: Nurse
Marriage: of course to my Stevie
Kids: Yes
The Ultimate Survey @ MyHotQuiz

My Interests

Music, shoppin, niggaz whateva catches my eye!!!!Take the quiz:
What thug drink are you?

Purple Drink
You love just gettin f-ed up for the hell of it... your not drinkin to score because ur the ultimate thug. More than likely your from Houston, TX... if not then youre still cool.

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6 sets of 10
Television show:: Making the Band 3
Flower:: Rose
Color:: Pink
Sport:: Volleyball
Mall:: Grapevine Mills
Music:: Rap
Food:: Pizza
Season:: Summer
Animal:: Monkey
City:: Dallas
Hometown:: TYLER, TX
Hair color:: Burgundy
Hair length:: Shoulder Length or a lil longer
Hair style:: Straight Down
Eye color:: Brown
Shoe size:: 10
Mood:: Chillin
Orientation:: Straight
Available?:: Nope I'm TAKEN by someone oh so special!
Lefty/Righty:: Righty
Have you ever been in love?:: Yep
Do you believe in love?:: Yep
Why did your last relationship fail?:: Cuz he decided he would cheat
Have you ever been heart broken?:: Yep
Have you ever broken someone's heart?:: Yep
Have you ever fallen for your best friend?:: Nah
Have you ever loved someone but never told them?:: Yeah
Are you afraid of commitment?:: Nope
Have you ever had a secret admirer?:: Yeah
Do you believe in love at first sight?:: Not Really
Love or Money?:: Love
Hard liquor or Beer?:: Hard Liquor
Night or Day?:: Night
One night stands or relationships?:: Relationships
Television or Internet?:: Internet
Pepsi or Coke?:: Coke
Wild night out or Romantic night in?:: Romantic Night In
Colored or Black and white?:: Colored
Phones or In person?:: In Person
AIM or Myspace?:: Myspace
Have you ever been caught sneeking out?:: Yep
Have you ever skinny dipped?:: Nah
Have you ever done something you regret?:: Yep
Have you ever bungee jumped?:: Hell Nah
Have you ever been on a house boat?:: Nope
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker?:: No
Have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurts?:: Yep
Have you ever been caught by your parents stealing cookies?:: WTF!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you missing someone right now?:: Yep my baby
Are you happy?:: Yeah
Are you talking to anyone right now?:: Nah
Are you bored?:: Nah
Are you German?:: Nah
Are you Irish?:: Nah
Are you French?:: Nah
Are you Italian?:: Nah
Are your parents still married?:: Nah
Do you like someone right now?:: Nope..........I'm in love!!!
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Dis my baby yall and bet not nan one of yall bytches say nothin slick cuz dis my baby and he ain't goin nowhere and I ain't goin nowhere so yall betta get ya minds right before I help ya get it right ya dig!!!??? I love you boo!!!
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts
Graphics & LayoutsOmarion cuz that's my baby forever and always!!!!! Back up bytches!!!!found this love layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments



You Got Served, Coach Carter, and Baby Boy LOL!!!!


Parental Control, Wildin Out, and anything on BET!!!!!!


Thugs and the Women Who Love Them, Every Thug Needs a Lady, Thug Matrimony, G-Spot, Candylicker, Thugalicious.......all them thug lovin books!!! LOL


GOD, My Mama and My Granny.