The Stark Tree (WayneRidgway)leicester musician 2008 |
live in leicester at the musician... Posted by on Sat, 02 May 2009 02:02:00 GMT |
all things hendrix and denny |
A weekend of reading,thinking playing new ideas trying to take a new direction just something which is a cross between the old and new, a modern twist on the trad folk song.
Another step closer to ... Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 16:26:00 GMT |
2008 |
Hello spacers
Well does anyone actually read these things? well after various pc's in bits for weeks I am finally back online with post xmas/new years blues wondering how the hell I can get my album f... Posted by on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 18:27:00 GMT |
Another blog....... |
Gosh blog-masters be scared, be very scared almost three in a row! What's going on the ramblings of a spiritual folkie infiltrating the net? Will the zero's and ones explode upon bequest will the fab... Posted by on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 14:44:00 GMT |
cracked mirrors and other such stuff and nonsense |
Hello my little darlings
Dont be shocked but two blogs in one week, month etc.... gosh well I must have something to say! Well the end of another week upon us who slave over a hot computer all w... Posted by on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 15:41:00 GMT |
Burn out - Two Rivers running late... |
hello fellow earth gathers...
yes here it is the bi-annual blog....gosh so long between posts!!! Well as the title suggests I had a blow out and burn time from too many late nights working on the albu... Posted by on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 15:53:00 GMT |
Butterflies and Cellos |
Hi allhere is my contribution bi-monthly blog to the craze that is taking over the world!!!!After going to see Fairport Convention at Leamington Spa royal concert hall friday night I have spent the we... Posted by on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 12:12:00 GMT |
December is upon us! |
HelloWell as always its been a while since writing, how the hell do people get time to write every day let alone every week?Its been about three weeks since my last gig of the year and already I am mi... Posted by on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 13:44:00 GMT |
New album news |
Hi all
Well long time between blogs again but I am determined to update more often.
Well the writing process for the new album is over and I have too many songs to play with but I do have a rough sket... Posted by on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 16:21:00 GMT |
golly golly gosh! |
well there!!!
It seems i am sooooooooo crap at remembering to do this, where does the time vanish to, I pick up the guitar and the next moment two hours have passed and on occasional a new song ... Posted by on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 14:09:00 GMT |