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Captain of a Shipwreck

If you haven’t noticed, i have the emotional maturity of a 1st grader

About Me

What is there to say about me that already hasn't been said? Well, this might help:
Them: So you're saying that you can give me a massage but I can't give you one?
Me: That's right. I have space issues.
Them: But if you are giving me a massage then I'm still in your space.
Me: Look. It's very complicated. If you had read my manual it might make a little more sense.
Them: You have a manual? Like a "Owner/Operator's Guide to David"?
Me: Yes.
Them: So where is this manual?
Me: What manual?
Them: Your manual. You know the ""Owner/Operator's Guide to David".
Me: I don't have a manual. Why, do you have a manual?
Them: No of course I don't have a manual. But you just told me that you did.
Me: Well, if you had read my manual then you would know that is exactly the type of thing I would lie about.
Them: But I can't read your manual if it doesn't exist!!!
Me: Exactly.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

her: You can't just give up on women. They arn't all evil. Just keep trying and eventually you'll find the right girl.

me: That is like saying that if I light enough sticks of dynamite off in my hand, eventually I'll find one that has a bad fuse and won't go off, that is if I have a hand left to hold it.

her: Wait, that comparison leads one to belive that destruction is the deffinitive nature of women and that only in being defective is it possible for you to have a healthy relationship. That is a horrible analogy.

me: The way you explain it, it's an even better analogy than I originally thought.


Ween, Neil Diamond, Abba, Tom Waits, PULP, The Refreshments, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, They Might Be Giants,Bowling For Soup, The Misfits, Danzig, Dresden Dolls, Dido, Fred Astaire, Frank Sinatra, Glenn Miller, Leonard Cohen, Milla Jovovich,Kelly Clarkson, Syd Barret, Anna Nalick, Bastard Fairies


The Fisher King, Harvey, Being There, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie


Boy Meets World


The House of Leaves, The Time Traveler's Wife, The Bridge Across Forever

My Blog

Two Conversations

Him: Man, you look tired.Me: Yeah, I haven't slept in the last 2 days.Him: You must be fucking exhausted.Me: Well, it wouldn't be so bad, except for these damn insects crawling around under my skin.Hi...
Posted by Captain of a Shipwreck on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 02:36:00 PST

fair warning to my new roomates

  me: so you're my new roomate her: yeah me: huh. so i've got to warn you, i like to walk around the house, like, fully clothed. her: why would you warn me about that? everybody walks around full...
Posted by Captain of a Shipwreck on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:17:00 PST

Romantic Bullshit

for an old friend in reply she sighed in weariness and pushed a strand of hair back behind her ear in that moment I saw a strength so strong it could bend infinity and a beauty so deep it couldn't fit...
Posted by Captain of a Shipwreck on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 11:46:00 PST