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I am here for Networking

About Me

"You are too big for Paris Lily u have outgrown its limitationsAnd restrictions…." - Amanda in an email to me 5 August, 2009. "I am right now picturing you in that gorgeous black slip I've seen you in so many times. You are barefoot and you have wings. You are flying effortlessly above Paris, drinking a glass of your favorite champagne. You are laughing wildly, throwing your head back in total abandon as the birds chirp with delight at the strange and wondrous visitor who has blessed their beautiful blue sky." - Jamie Virostko, in an email to me, June, 2008 you read/peruse further, know this: nothing I do is accidental. I chose every song, video, image, and word on this site for a reason...I hope you can Hear me...)Alors....Live deliciously, and challenge Life's "truths," until they've either been exhausted of the process or become integrated into one's own Truth, remembering that Oscar Wilde put it best when he said, "The truth is rarely pure and never simple."In so doing the above, I am constantly seeking and indulging in new pleasures and adventures of living, asking my Self and the Universe many questions, for which I will no longer settle as going unanswered simply because some Societal Construct dicated it as so...I enjoy Life very much, wishing to squeeze out Its vast supply of succulence for my hedonistic and decadent pleasure as is possible, while still maintaining my Health (Balance is key)...







I love to DANCE! Dancing is the one time during which I feel my Soul, Body, and Spirit are truly one Force, and if the music is conducive to this Energy, fugheddaboudit...I pursue a career as an Artist, and to me, this simply means "one who Creates" being open to whatever my Muse inspires...If I haven't lost you by this point, then chances are, we are of the same ilk, and I will leave you with one more quote in which to soak and delight your lovely Self: "I believe Life can be one delightful sensation after another!" - Dolly Wilde

Art Modele et Seulement Lily

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Most likely, YOU! :) oh, and ANY AND ALL PISCES!!...Artistes who need an experienced art model: I did this for years in Los Angeles professionally, so email me here, and let's make a deal! Photographers who need a makeup artist? Also did professionally in L.A. for several years, specifically head shot photography...I would also love to meet some kick ass musicians who just want to start a band with me - no frills, no fuss. Just people who want to play and Create original underground alternative style music together - - none of that shite which merely & only aims to please the Powers that Be just to get famous and cut an album. Not that I'm balking at that, mind you, but just want to keep my Heart in it, you know?Let's just PLAY! ...Anyone need a great pet/housesitter with years of experience and references, to boot? (This experience includes giving medical treatment to pets.)...What else, what else? Ummm, hell - why not? I need a producer to produce one (or more!) of my plays, or even just one would be great! :)...I also want to meet John Cameron Mitchell, Oscar and Sophia (Lees) Wilde, Molly Shannon (she's my comic hero), and wouldn't mind meeting Jesus to ask a few questions; PISCEANS! I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!

My Blog

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