More Friends, More Friends. Drunks, Pool players, Card Players, Gamblers, Music Listeners, Concert Go-ers, GHandi, 2-Pac, Biggie Smalls, Dr. DRE, Bob Marley, G.W. Bush, Darth Vader, George Costanza, Elaine Benes, Tony Soprano, Michael Corleone, VITO, Brad Pitt so I can ask How THE HELL HE DOES IT???? I'd also like to meet A girl that is NICE. I know it sounds like a very boring description of a possible companion but now a days there's a lot of assholes out there, no offense to any who fall into this category (you know who you are). What am I looking for? That is up in the air at this point, but to give you a long, cheesy, descriptive idea here it is: I want $$money$$ to not be an issue. Sure money is important in stuff like going out and well supporting myself and my rent and what have you, but if you're expecting dinner 8 nights a week with drinks and after-hour parties, then whoever this relates to, you will find me not of your socially-acceptable standards. I want lazy Sundays in bed listening to music or watching movies that we have seen 100 times, I want walks with no decided destination around San Fran, I want to go to Amoeba and spend at least 2 hours without buying anything ( not to say I'm cheap, on the contrary, I just think it's fun). It is also a plus in you liike Seinfeld. Music is important (anything except country, fine if you like it i fucking hate the shit though) I want someone who reads good books that might rub off on me to want to read them. I don't read that much, not because I don't want to I just don't have the attention span in this juncture of my life because of all the other shit going through my brain. Not neccessary to smoke pot but can't be against someone a.k.a. me that does smoke the grass. So what music are you llistening to when you are reading this? while i'm typing this i am listeing to the Buena Vista Social Club. Okay so whoever you are, you have more than enough info on me so hit me back with some info about yourself. If you made it through this overly descriptive account of a guy who wants a girlFRIEND or even just a date, then we will probably get along just fine.