bobby profile picture


out to sea for a few

About Me

what do you need to know. i serve on a submarine. i drink and enjoy blackjack. i like to have fun and i'm scared of succeeding. i enjoy country music and hanging out with friends. i like to laugh at things. or maybe just laugh in general. oh yeah, and sharing farts with friends. politics will get me going in half a heartbeat if i'm in the mood. otherwise, i'll just bill o'reilly you and throw you out of the room and accuse you of spinning. after all this is a no spin zone. What you know about math

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My Interests

anything that doesn't have me thinking about Nuclear Power. Hanging out with my friends because who knows when I'll get to see them again.

I'd like to meet:

Admiral Rickover, the father of Navy Nuclear Power to thank him for ruining my life, crushing my soul, squeezing out all the fun in my life, feeding my brain to me through my ass day in and day out, but most of all to thank him for giving me the opportunity to serve my country on a submarine that could blow up at least 3 contentients with a devastating nuclear missile strike.


rap, country, green day, some techno. some punk, but lotsa country.


shawshenk, boondock saints, the great escape all pixar movies. all dreamworks movies and of course the Lion King.


24, the OC, sopranos, entourage, cartoons of all sorts. and i like to watch the news during my lunch hours. faux news that is


anything that has to do with history. especially world war 2. harry potter. ender's game. most of the books WEB Griffin writes.


teachers. who else? cause one day i'm gonna be one.

My Blog


went to vancouver this week to play.  it was awesome.  top 5 places i've been to in the world.  women were good looking and extremely nice.  the food was good and those thin pancak...
Posted by bobby on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:09:00 PST

Kitsap County Police

I guess living in a town where crime is pretty much non existent; the cops here just go hard after drunk drivers.  There's taking a tough stance on this matter and then there's overkill.  La...
Posted by bobby on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 03:45:00 PST

tv bad guys

So the past week or so my sleep schedule has been beyond messed up. I sleep during the day and stay awake at night. Well, in the mornings they usually have awesome shows like JAG. Ain't nothing better...
Posted by bobby on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 07:15:00 PST

Never make plans

So last night i decided that I was gonna go out and get fucked up.  Told people I was gonna go out and meet up with them.  It all sounded like a great idea right?  Well, me and the room...
Posted by bobby on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 08:23:00 PST

Who's Chong?

So the other night I went to Walmart to pick up some groceries and other stuff and I'm pushing my cart around buying various things.  Then from behind me, I hear "I dare you to throw this at Chon...
Posted by bobby on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 05:36:00 PST


ok.  so i've heard her new song for a while on the radio now.  it wasn't a bad song.  saw the music video a little while ago.  holy shit dude.  are you fucking serious.  ...
Posted by bobby on Sat, 20 May 2006 07:45:00 PST

heads or tails

so we don't have enough people with balanced GPAs to fill the spots in new york and south carolina.  some with higher GPAs want to stay down here, the low ones want to go to new york.  So th...
Posted by bobby on Wed, 03 May 2006 06:07:00 PST