Childrens Ball Pool profile picture

Childrens Ball Pool


About Me

Born in Barnsley december 1983 bin living at same address in kingstone all my life and probably will be living here the rest of my life as well unless somat good comes up. Hobbies include looking at and doing graffifi cant tell you what i do incase any of you are the bobbies, listening to tunes (see music) downloading albums cos i aint paying them prices, not now theres sutch things as mp3 players. Did used to have a guitar but tuk it to cash converters because i anit got the patience and needed the coin to go art on a wednesday neet. ps "wunt mind chuking a banana at thi"
Name: James Parker
Birthday: 3rd ov December
Birthplace: The Tarn
Current Location: The Tarn
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Brownish
Height: Fuck Knows
Right Handed or Left Handed: Always Left Never Right
Your Heritage: No Idea
The Shoes You Wore Today: Black & White Nike Cortez
Your Weakness: My Strength
Your Fears: Dying In A Plane Crash, Car Accident Or Summat Sick Like That. And Lolly Pop Sticks
Your Perfect Pizza: Large Plane Thin And Crispy Deep Pan Meat Feast Vegatarian
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get A Job
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: BDIAGMA......Balls Deep In A Gay Mans Anus
Thoughts First Waking Up: What Now
Your Best Physical Feature: Shit Hot Apendix
Your Bedtime: When Nackerd
Your Most Missed Memory: Barnsley :3 Man U :2
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: Burger King
Single or Group Dates: Tha Teks Wot Tha Gid
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Both Wank
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate Today, Vanilla Tomora
Cappuccino or Coffee: Normal Charster
Do you Smoke: Ar
Do you Swear: Compulsivley
Do you Sing: No
Do you Shower Daily: No
Have you Been in Love: Fuck Knows
Do you want to go to College: No
Do you want to get Married: Pointless
Do you belive in yourself: No
Do you get Motion Sickness: What Kind Of A Question Is That
Do you think you are Attractive: No
Are you a Health Freak: No
Do you get along with your Parents: Nar And Agean
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love Them
Do you play an Instrument: The Triangle
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes
In the past month have you Smoked: Yes
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Yes
In the past month have you gone on a Date: No
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: The Alhambra Yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Never Heard Of Them
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: No And Never Will
In the past month have you been on Stage: No
In the past month have you been Dumped: No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Yes In The Bathroom
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Yes
Ever been Drunk: Nar And Agean
Ever been called a Tease: No
Ever been Beaten up: Not Really
Ever Shoplifted: Wen Ar Wor Young
How do you want to Die: I Want To Live Forever
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Still Alive
What country would you most like to Visit: N.Y.C
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Eny
Favourite Hair Color: Eny
Short or Long Hair: Eny
Height: Not Too Tall
Weight: Not Fat
Best Clothing Style: Most Definately Not Trendy
Number of Drugs I have taken: 8
Number of CDs I own: A Few
Number of Piercings: None
Number of Tattoos: 4
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Smokeing Blow At School

My Interests

Barnsley F.C. Listening to music. Watching live music. Downloading free music. Watching good T.V programs. Taping good T.V programs that are on at the same time as the others. Collecting the stickers that come on apples and other fruits. Looking at graffiti. Painting graffiti. Making graffiti stickers. Playing football (limited to when can be arsed). Going to local boozer (limited to coinage). Going art on a wednesday neet (limited to coinage). Watching most haunted and getting mad because derek acorah is a bullshiter. Playing basketball (limited to when can be arsed). Messing about on the internet (occaisional porn). Going charity shopping. Sleeping. Growing my hair. Looking for black and white nike cortez on e-bay. Watching devvo on Necking a can of pepsi in one and burping in a supermarket. Burping and farting near old women. Blowing up old T.V's with fireworks. Ripping the piss out of boy racers. Making my own stupid lyrics up to songs with one of my mates. .................O yes and i fogot, Going on the sunbeds.

I'd like to meet:

Im not going to put nelson mandella because he might be a sound bloke but im not putting people like him to sound smart. I would like to meet bono (u2) so that i could punch him so hard in the skull that he falls over and pops his brain on the coursy the do gooding w^*ker. Also That drummer out of mc fly because his drumming style is like a old woman doing her kniting, and wouldnt stop stamping on his cheast until it caves in like a tramp steping in a old nappy.


Im Just going to write the list of artists thats on my mp3 player..............2 Many Dj's, Afrika Bamdaataa, Alterd Images, Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys, Audio Bullys, Babyshambles, Bad Brains, Beck, Big Punisher, Black Grape, Black Rebel Motercycle Club, Blink-182, Bloc Party, Blur, Bob Dylan, Bran Nubian, Busta Rhymes, Charlotte Hatherley, Clipse, Coldplay, Cribs, Cypress Hill, D12, Daft Punk, Danger Mouse & Jemini, Dead Prez, Death From Above 1979, Dizzie Rascal, Doves, Dr Dre, Dungen Family, Easy-E, Electric Six, Eminem, Fleetwood Mac, Frank Sinatra, Gang Starr, Ghoastface Killah, Girls Aloud, Goldie Looking Chain, Grandaddy, Greenday, Gwen Stefani, Gza, Happy Mondays, House Of Pain, Hundred Reasons, Ian Brown, Ikara Colt, Inspectah Deck, Jamelia, Jay-Z, Joanna Newsom, Joy Division, Jurassic 5, Kanye West, Kings Of Leon, Korn, Lady Sovereign, M.I.A, Manic Street Preachers, Maximo Park, Method Man, Morrissey, N.W.A, Nas, Placebo, Primal Scream, Public Enemy, Queens Of The Stone Age, Rage Agenst The Machine, Razorlight, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Redman, Regina Spektor, Rza, Seahorses, Sex Pistols, Slipknot, Snoop Dogg, System Of A Down, The Beastie Boys, The Beatles, The Buzzcocks, The Cardigans, The Chemical Brothers, The Cooper Temple Clause, The Cranberries, The Cure, The Go! Team, The Hives, The Hollies, The Jam, The Libertines, The Mad Capsule Markets, The Music, The Ordinary Boys, The Pouges, The Prodigy, The Smiths, The Stone Roses, The Streets, The Strokes, The Velvet Underground, The White Stripes, The X-Ecutioners, Wu Tang Clan, Yeah Yeah Yeahs.............Thats the lot!


Just a few of the top off mi head..................Fear and lothing in las vagas, American history X, The shawshank redemption, All the Asterix films, Falling down, Spun, Gangs of new york, Basketball diaries, Theres somthing about mary, Boyz in the hood, Total recall.............Ill put some more when thay come to me.


Just a few off the top of mi head....................The office, Brasseye, Shameless, Emerdale, Bo selector, No Angels, Curb your enthusiasum, The Jeremy Kyle Show, Trisha...............Ill update when more come to me.


Never finshed a book in my entire life so can't answer.


Anybody who makes somthing of themselves and does'nt forget were thay came from. Unlike Michal Parkinson the fake barnsley ba*terd. He's only intrested when theres somthing good going on, We dont need you and certainly dont want you parkinson so f**k off.