movie watching, food, sleeping, buttery nipples, cooking, jazz, art, books, camping with friends, music i can dance to, coffee, fridays, glasses, going out, green stuff, h2o, chillin', mint stuff, horse back riding, day dreaming, going to the zoo, hot showers, Nirvana, raspberry ice tea, messy hair, night life, ink, painting, piercings, soft things, reading, saturdays, the rain, tequila, the desert, lips, the moon, my mom's beans, long walks,... =]
I like meeting people who are chill and friendly so...yeah
blah blah blah...
I love listening to good shit. I can't picture life without music.
Good movies. I'm pretty picky about what I watch. foreign, drama, anime, documentary, silent films, b&W, horror,...
Daria, Food network, Seinfeld, Sex & The City, Friends, Miami Ink, Sundance channel, IFC
The Stranger, Inquisition for the Cook, The Davinci Code, Harry Potter 1-7, Catcher in the Rye, Body Language, Choke. Reading is fun.
those who I have felt touched by and have in some way motivated me. thanks.