Lüsterne Träume profile picture

Lüsterne Träume


About Me

Welcome to this profile.
My name is Jack Wedeman
(German surname thus pronounced "vade-man").
To those who already know me and also those
that don't, my warmest greetings to thee.
I hope that this page will provide thee with a
greater insight into my life, interests and thoughts.
Please note that I do have a blog,
which I try to add to regularly .
Please feel free to have a look.
I love life and choose to enjoy
it through my own dark aesthetic.
I believe life and time are both our most
valuable assets, therefore spend time wisely and most
importantly remember; Memento Mori…
'Veritas, Unitas et Caritas...'
Dark Enchantress…
I suffer thy fullmoonnights,
Trespass my undesired darkness!

"In secret we met, in silence I grieve,
That thy heart could forget, thy spirit deceive...
If I should meet thee, after long years,
How should I greet thee, with silence and tears?"

-Lord Byron 1808
I walk the path,
To the land of the Dark Immortals!
Where the hungry ones will carry my soul,
As the wild hunt careers through the boughs!
Come to me, my Pale Enchantress,
In the moon of the woods we kiss!

Vibeke Stene and Morten Veland with the rest of Tristania.
"Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish,
Now are visions ne'er to vanish;
From thy spirit shall they pass,
No more, like dew-drops from the grass."
From "Spirit of the dead" - E.A. Poe
Tilo Wollf (Lacrimosa) & Liv Kristine (Theatre of Tragedy)
I do also have a second page on Myspace.
A link to my other profile is here
If you wish to talk with me over
MSN please feel free to add my address:
[email protected]
A dark farewell to thee...
"Requiescat In Pace"
Jack W
~X ~ X ~ X ~

My Interests

Classical/Traditional Gothic Attire
(Waistcoats, Dresses, Corsetry etc)

Gothic/Vampyric Romanticism
(Velvet, Roses, Blood and Passion!)

Nights relaxing in my lovely candlelit room
(Aromatherapy, Candles and Dark New Age)

Bars, Club-nights, Raves & Alcohol
(Absinthe, Amaretto, Vodka, Sambuca & Aftershock!)

Starting German as a Second Language
(Deutscher ist meine liebling sprache =)

Melancholic & Romantic Music
(Death, Damnation & the Darkly Erotic...)

All Gothic Fashion, Style, Dress & Room Décor
(Boots, PVC, Leather, Make-up & Jewelry etc)

My Own Spiritual Darkness
(Vivere Disce, Cogita Mori!)

Cemeteries & Castles
(York has many such lovely places)

Black & White Photography
(Always carry a camera with you =)

The Phantom of the Opera
("Listen to the music of the night!")

Elegance, Beauty & Art
(There is much to admire in the world)

Nature & Tranquility
(Sound of water and smell of bedewed grass)

History of Armed Conflict/Warfare
(Ancient, medieval, early modern and present)

Philosophy & the Esoteric
(Two of my many interests)

Reading books & learning new things
(Knowledge is the greatest power)

Appreciation of Life & Death
(How long do you have left?)

Poetry & Dark Literature
(Edgar, Byron, Swift etc)

Whitby Weekend & Wave-Gotik-Treffen
(Plus any other Goth, Alternative or Metal festival)

The artwork of Joseph Vargo & Victoria Frances
(Such beautiful and romantic gothic imagery = )

Macabre Stories & Adult Fearytales
(James Herbert, Stephen King, Lovecraft etc)

Drinking Absinthe
(La Fée Parisienne/The expensive kinds =)

Learning & Playing the Piano
(Oh, such sweet music of the night...:)

Theatre of Tragedy - Cassandra

My musical taste mainly resides in the Gothic,
Symphonic, Vampyric & Classical metal styles.

I love pianos, violins, choirs, sopranos, orchestras,
lesser heard instruments and other such classical
elements. My tastes also include New Age
and classical music.

I also enjoy Symphonic/Melodic Black metal,
Deathrock, Batcave, Neo/Dark Folk, Alt 80’s,
Doom & Funeral Doom, Chamber/Funeral music,
Mittelalter, Dark Ambient and many other Goth,
Alternative, Metal and/or underground bands.

I'm also familiar with Industrial, Electro, EBM,
Darkwave, Synth and J-Goth bands owing
to the fact that many of my friends enjoy them.

My CD collection contains:


Ava Inferi
Autumn Tears
Aesma Daeva
After Forever
Ashes You Leave
Amon Amarth




Cradle of Filth


Dark Princess
Dark Sanctuary
Dreadful Shadows
Dead Can Dance
Dreams of Sanity
Die Verbannten Kinder Evas
Dismal Euphony
Deine Lakaien
Dying Tears


Estatic Fear
Echoes of Eternity


Fear Cult
For My Pain
Flowing Tears
Forever Slave




Howling Syn
Hagalaz Runedance
How Like a Winter




Leaves Eyes
Lacuna Coil
London After Midnight
Lacrimas Profundere
L'Âme Immortelle
Letzte Instanz


Mortal Love
My Dying Bride
Midnight Syndicate
Mandragora Scream


Notre Dame
Nox Arcana
Naio Ssaion


Opera IX
On Thorns I Lay
Octavia Sperati


Paralysed Age




Rain Fell Within


Sopor Aeternus
Stream of Passion
Shroud Of Tears
Sonata Nocturna
Saltatio Mortis


Theatre of Tragedy
Theatres des Vampires
The Breath of Life
The Sins of Thy Beloved
The Changelings
Twelfth of Never
Trail of Tears
The Dreamside
The Gathering
Two Witches
The Eternal


Unto Ashes


Virgin Black


Within Temptation
Without Face



† Vibeke Stene - Tristania †

† Dani Filth - Cradle of Filth †

† Anne Nurmi - Lacrimosa †

† A.V. Cantodea - Sopor Aeternus †

† Raymond & Liv Kristine -Theatre of Tragedy †

The blood is thy life!

I like to read books concerning:

Dark Poetry/Literature


Paranormal/The Occult

Mind, Body and Spirit

Historial/Romantic Novels

Vampyric/ Gothic Horror Fiction

Capital Punishment/Torture

Adult Fearytales & Stories

Erotic/Victorian Novels

All History in General

Gothic Art/Photography



Philosophy and Life

True Crime


The Chronicles
Gothic Beauty

"Thou art privy to my sin..."

I can sit through and enjoy most cinema
I watch, although I am most fond of
Occult/Horror, Period/Classical Dramas,
History, Warfare and Fantasy films.

I also love The Phantom of the Opera.

Think of Me Fondly


“Think of me, think of me fondly,
when we've said goodbye.
Remember me once in a while -
please promise me you'll try.

When you find that, once again, you long
to take your heart back and be free -
if you ever find a moment,
spare a thought for me.

We never said our love was evergreen,
or as unchanging as the sea -
but if you can still remember
stop and think of me…

Think of all the things
we've shared and seen -
don't think about the things
which might have been…

Think of me, think of me waking,
silent and resigned.
Imagine me, trying too hard
to put you from my mind.

Recall those days
look back on all those times,
think of the things we'll never do -
there will never be a day,
when I won't think of you…!”


“Can it be? Can it be Christine?
What a change!
Long ago, it seems so long ago
How young and innocent we were...
She may not remember me,
but I remember her...!”


”The summer fades,
The fruits of summer fade,
They have decisions, so do we
but please promise me, that sometimes
you will think of me!”

The Phantom of the Opera


“In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to
me and speaks my name
And do I dream again for now I find
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside my mind…”

The Phantom:

“Sing once again with me
Our strange duet…
My power over you grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me to glance behind
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside your mind…”


“Those who have seen your face
Draw back in fear
I am the mask you wear!”


“It's me they hear...”


”Your/My spirit and my/your voice in one combined
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside my/your mind.

He’s there, the phantom of the opera!”


“He’s there, the phantom of the opera!”

The Phantom:

”Sing, my Angel of Music
Sing, my Angel
Sing for me
Sing, my Angel!
Sing for me!

You have come here,
for one purpose, and one alone
Since the moment I first heard you sing,
I have needed you with me,
to serve me, to sing,
for my music...
my music...”

The Music of the Night

The Phantom:

“Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation
Darkness stirs and wakes imagination
Silently the senses abandon their defenses...

Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor
Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender
Turn your face away from the garish light of day
Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light
And listen to the music of the night!

Close you eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams
purge your thoughts of the life you knew before
Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar
And you'll live as you've never lived before...

Softly, deftly, music shall caress you
Hear it, feel it, secretly possess you
Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind
In this darkness which you know you cannot fight
The darkness of the music of the night!

Let your mind start a journey through a strange, new world
Leave all thoughts of the life you knew before
Let your soul take you where you long to be!
Only then can you belong to me...

Floating, falling, sweet intoxication
Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation
Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in
To the power of the music that I write
The power of the music of the night!

You alone can make my song take flight
Help me make the music of the night...”

”Sleep…Sleep is the brother of death."
~ A.V. Cantodea

”Beauty comes from the inside and so does ugliness!"
~ A.V. Cantodea

“Come to me, my Pale Enchantress.
In the moon of the woods we kiss…”

~ Dani Filth

“You are in my dreams, the darkness
in my eyes, the rapture in my screams!”

~ Dani Filth

“The blood of Jesus, is the wine of the dead,
and the drunken angels bleed with incest!”

~ Dani Filth

“Oh, listen to them, the children of the night.
What sweet music they make.”

~ Darren White

“I will make my puppets dance,
the men will bow down before me,
to take my flesh as lucid thoughts
of dark, unbridled lust.”

~ Andrea Meyer

“Our voices are opened graves,
through which the never-dead escape.”

~ Sara Jezebel Deva

“Mistress of the dark, I now know what thou art!”
~ Dani Filth

“Beneath the stars thy flesh bedevils me,
(Beneath the stars taste the death in me!)”

~ Dani Filth

“Awaiting the sun to set, crimsoning seas,
Only once it is dark doth my misery cease!”

~ Dani Filth

“I am Corinthian light, a snake in flowers by night
The last temptation of Christ, Evil in mortal...”

~ Dani Filth

“Queen of Winter throned.
The murderess lurked in vulgar caresses
Vestal masturbation, purity overthrown!”

~ Dani Filth

“For beauty is always Cruel...”
~ Dani Filth

“Raped of faith, She now embraced,
The narcissistic unrest frozen on the mirror's face.”

~ Dani Filth

“More, Whore, more.
Twitching make me wet with thee
carcass rub me raw!”

~Sara Jezebel Deva

“I Found Her tempting fate between
Her wrist and razor...

~ Dani Filth

“Much was a flux, but the mouth once
good for fucks, came from retirement
to prove She had not lost Her touch!”

~ Dani Filth

“Come back to Me, I was born in love with thee,
so why should fate stand in-between!”

~ Dani Filth

“Archangel, snare the flesh, suck dry the ebbing wound,
Leave them lifeless and broken. My beloved...”

~ Sara Jezebel Deva

“I find thy lilies there of snow.
Where once I died... weeping for thee”

~ Vibeke Stene

“Call thy name at nightfall,
Reach out for thee life's rose,
Cast thy veils at sunset,
Trespass the waning in my halls!”

~ Vibeke Stene

“Grieve at night Thy bereavement and thy loss in life Grieve by day Thy devotion and thy pass away…”
~ Morten Veland

“Dark enchantress
I suffer thy fullmoonnights
Trespass my undesired darkness
Tears... flowing through thy dreams!”

~ Morten Veland

“Tears falling from the sky Words from a lullaby Everything beautiful dies For now, we're hanging in Though we are blessed with sin You make my tired heart sing…”
~ Vibeke Stene

“In decadence I take thee by the hand too frail...to gain the promised land too frail...to take your pain away too frail...a sequel of decay…”
~ Morten Veland

“Can you trust in your friend's words?
Can they look into your eyes?”

~ Sabine Duenser

“You're my healer, I am lovelorn,
In the cool breeze I hear your sweet voice,
I'm your treasure.”

~ Liv Kristine

“Come like the dusk, like a rose on the grave of love.
You are my lust, like a rose on the grave of love.”

~ Lisa Middelhauve

“I'm in love with the darkness of the night,
I'm in love with all that's out of sight.”

~ Lisa Middelhauve

“Dem Leben - der Freiheit, Und der Liebe
So bin ich ruhig - Da ich Dich liebe!”

~ Tilo Wollf

“Sensing your love, living in these walls
But even this drink is, torturing my empty veins…”

~ Anne Nurmi

“Nie allein - ich will immer bei dir sein
Du bist mein - du wirst nie alleine sein”

~ Tilo Wollf

“Doch diesen Schmerz möcht' ich nie missen,
Denn er ist alles was mir von ihr bleibt,
Nur einmal hab' ich sie begehrt,
Nur einmal - jetzt und immer wieder...”

~ Tilo Wollf

“Habe dich ja nie gesehen
Kann nicht mal zu dir sprechen
Nicht mal diesen Satz:
Ich liebe Dich !”

~ Tilo Wollf

“ Lieber sterben
Als dies noch einmal zu erleben”

~ Tilo Wollf

“ Dunkelheit fallt uber uns
Zu ihr ich traume ”

~ Tilo Wollf

“Jetzt und für alle Zeit und Ewigkeit,
Gib mir mehr Gib mir mehr,
Ich brauche dich,
Ich liebe dich Vorhang”

~ Tilo Wollf

“When you learn to divide,
Don't fear the danger,
Follow your heart to the light,
Live your dream and breath ”

~ Tilo Wollf

“Touching you was like,
Touching a flame
I felt like giving in… ”

~ Tilo Wollf

“So liegt sie danieder,
Und doch höre ich den,
Schrei - und sie schreit”

~ Tilo Wollf

“So - wie Du bist,
Lass uns fliehen - der Welt entgleiten,
Lass Dich atmen - Dich entreissen,
Sieh' mich an - und folge mir!”

~ Tilo Wollf

“But I live in the ruins of your love,
I am just a tear upon your face,
You are the sun that sets for me…”

~ Tilo Wollf

“Tisn't what thou vambrace'st thy words with!;
I bethink dotingly only thy weal,
Forgive me for deeming thee direfully,
Therein abdiding with thee!”

~ Liv Kristine

“I do, in the blooming flower, pleasure find!
And me in the yesterday's bind?!
Innocence is reserved for the meek:
Of naught is my grasp ne'er to be!”

~ Raymond Rohonyi

“Come in out of the rain thou sayest,
but thou ne'er step'st aside;
And I am trapp'd,
A distance there is... ”

~ Liv Kristine

“I'm dethroned in the reign of entity,
My tears descend like of abony,
Life is the theatre of tragedy,
Dying - I only feel apathy! ”

~ Raymond Rohonyi & Liv Kristine

“Time hath stopp'd,
Yet for others ne'er halteth;
For me the Pages of Life do not turn,
Lo! - on the funeral pyre they burn!”

~ Raymond Rohonyi

“Together red tears we wept - in vain,
And pass'd the procession of dancers dead,
As in darkness were we lock'd in wed.
I kiss'd the Seven Angels of Death…”

~ Liv Kristine

“Ein so berauschendes Gefühl:
"Für immer und unendlich:
Meine bittere Existenz zu schmecken!
Ein Seelsorger Deiner bin ich…”

~ Raymond Rohonyi

“ Lorelei!
A poet of tragedies, scribe I lauds to Death,
Yet who the hell was I to dare?

Canst thou not see thou to me needful art?
Canst thou not see the loss of loe painful is!? ”

~ Liv Kristine

“As of lote - upon thee dote,
Lowing 'tis, true forsooth,
Tisn't a tongue, nay merely mote,
Thou art grandly mae than couth:
Eft and e'er doth it eke,
I am what I do behold!

For my loe, not be adust…”

~ Raymond Rohonyi & Liv Kristine

“Venus! - I trow'd thou wast my friend,
Professed to Heaven thou wouldst send;
As a disciple of a villain
Didst thou act the tragedienne. ”

~ Raymond Rohonyi

Lacrimosa - Kabinett Der Sinne

'Veritas, Unitas et Caritas...'

- Jack Wedeman

Tristania – Evenfall

”You don't know how real it seems -
kissing these corpses in my dreams…

Cradle of Filth - Dusk and Her Embrace


My Blog

Carpe Diem

This is another painting that I am fond of.Can thou see and understand the message  portrayed in this painting by Baldung Gri? =) "Vita brevis breviter in brevi finietur,venit velociter quae n...
Posted by Lüsterne Träume on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 02:40:00 PST

Occult Entry Pt.1

  Good evening to thee.Tonight I will start an entry concerned with a complex, clouded and controversial subject. I am going to write about Satanism - LaVeyan Satanism to be precise.I have w...
Posted by Lüsterne Träume on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 07:30:00 PST

Lovely Cemetery Photographs

Here are some lovely photographs I found whilst browsing the Internet. Angelic statues are one of my favourite types of tombstone. I'm not sure where or when they were taken. If you&nb...
Posted by Lüsterne Träume on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:25:00 PST

L'ART DE MOURIR - Jack's Blog

          Beneath the stars thy flesh bedevils me,(Beneath the stars taste the death in me)Bequeath to me thy fiery kiss,To sever thin mortality!  Dark greetings to t...
Posted by Lüsterne Träume on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 04:45:00 PST

Dusk And Her Embrace

"You tremble carcass? You would  tremble even more if you knew  where I am going to take you."     This blog entry might appeal to Cradle fans as it's basically my thoughts on on...
Posted by Lüsterne Träume on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 04:18:00 PST

Execution/Torture Instalment Pt.1

  I have decided to occasionally write an entry regarding one of my interests. That is the history and methods of capital execution and torture. The subject has always fascinated me from an earl...
Posted by Lüsterne Träume on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 03:51:00 PST

A Magnificent Painting

"The Triumph of Death" is one of my favourite paintings. As I can remember it was painted in 1562 by Pieter Brueghel and currently hangs in the Museo del Prado in Spain. I first came to kno...
Posted by Lüsterne Träume on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 05:54:00 PST