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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

polka layout powered by HOT / MyHotCommentsHi My name is Heather... i'm pretty easy to get a long with until you piss me off... i love my family, mt.dew, my friends, strawberries, thunderstorms, and sex... hehe!!! i'm very loud but at times like to just be chill and very laid back... i'm very superstitious but also think you create your own destiny and without mistakes there is no room for growth...i tend to be very random and sometimes too sarcastic for my own good (sometimes it gets me in trouble)... i tend to say what is on my mind without regard for anyone's feelings(i have a very low bullshit tolerance)...i"m very romantic and love to please people... i love cold weather, camping, four wheeling, shooting stars and dreaming, tattoos, and piercings... my friends would probably say that i am funny, outgoing, crazy, honest, and a lil bit of a drinker;) and sometimes they might say that i am a lil moody!!!!! and anything else you need to kno, just ask remember i don't mind saying what i feel!!!
Name: HeAtHeR YoUnG
Birthdate: JuNe 2, 1985
Birthplace: CoLuMbuS, OhIo
Current Location: P-ToWn... ThE BiGGeSt CoRnFiEld In OH
Eye Color: HaZeL
Hair Color: I DuNNo AnYMoRe
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 115
Piercings: TonGuE and EarS
Tatoos: TwO: StaRs On ShoUldEr BlaDe, AnD HeArT oN HiP
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: NoNe
Overused Phraze: I'm Not MaD
Food: StRoMboLi.... Or JuST ThE PeOpLE WoRkiN' ThE StanD... JuStIn AnD MarVIn
Candy: SnIcKeRs... If I EaT iT!
Number: 14
Color: BlUe
Animal: I LiKe eM' alL
Drink: ReD BuLL
Alcohol Drink: JaEgErmEiSteR
Bagel: PlAiN ToaStEd WiTh ButTEr AnD CrEaM CheeSe
Letter: Who CArEs?
Body Part on Opposite sex: SmILE
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: CoKe
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McD's
Strawberry or Watermelon: StRaWbERRy
Hot tea or Ice tea: IceD
Chocolate or Vanilla VanILla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: HoT ChoCoLAtE
Kiss or Hug: KiSS
Dog or Cat: DoG
Rap or Punk: PuNk
Summer or Winter: WiNtEr
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: DepEndS oN WhO i Am WiTH
Love or Money: LOvE
Bedtime: WheNeVEr I FeeL LiKE It
Most Missed Memory: GrAnNy!
Best phyiscal feature: BoObS!!! AnD DeEShA SaiD EyeS!!!
First Thought Waking Up: Ten MOrE MInuTeS PLEEEEESE!!!!
Goal for this year: ???????
Best Friends: DeEsHa, JaKe, CoDy, AnD LeXI LoU!!!!!
Weakness: MeN In UnIfoRm... ThAt InCluDes a MoWrY's UnIForM!!!!
Fears: CloWnS.... weLL It SuRe Ain'T A BrOKeN HeaRt!!!- iN thE WoRds Of DEeSh.
Heritage: IrIsH... ThAt ExpLaInS tHe DriNKin'
Longest relationship: WeLl aBoUt 5 YeaRs OfF anD On or 6 MonThs LonG DiStAnCe:(
Ever Drank:
Ever been Drunk:
Ever been beaten up: No
Ever beaten someone up: NoT YeT...
Ever Shoplifted: No
Ever Skinny Dipped: YeS Ma'Am!!
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: YeAh!!!
Been Dumped Lately: No NoT LateLy...
Favorite Eye Color: I Don't CarE... BluE, BrOwN, GReeN... It'S AlL ThE SaMe!
Favorite Hair Color: AgAiN... DoeS It MaTTeR... BloNde!!!!
Short or Long: PreFeR ShoRT!
Height: As LoNg As ThEy ArE TAlLeR ThaN Me!
Style: I DoN't CaRe... BuT a LoT Of BlaCk FrEaKs Me OuT!!
Looks or Personality: PeRSoNaLiTy... BuT If ThEy AreN't SomEwHat AttRaCtiVe I'm ProLLy NoT GonnA AppRoaCh!!!
Hot or Cute CuTe Is EnoUgH buT HotT Is AwEsOmE
Drugs and Alcohol: AlCoHoL!!!!
Muscular or Really Skinny: MuScuLar bUt TheRe Is A LiNe ThErE TOO!!!
Number of Regrets in the Past: i TrY NoT ToReGreT i HavE LEaRnEd FroM EvErYtHiNg!!!
What country do you want to Visit: IrELaNd
How do you want to Die: In My SlEeP
Been to the Mall Lately: YeaH
Do you like Thunderstorms: I LoVe ThEM!!!!!!
Get along with your Parents: SoMetImEs
Health Freak: NeVeR
Do you think your Attractive: SoMeTimEs
Believe in Yourself: sOmEtImEs
Want to go to College: I WaNNa Go BaK
Do you Drink: YeaH
Shower Daily: YEah
Been in Love: YEs Ma'Am
Do you Sing: In ThE ShOwEr
Want to get Married: SoMeDaY
Do you want Children: MayBe SoMeDay
Have your future kids names planned out: Yeah...
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: 55!!!! jUsT JoKin... BeEn ThErE DoNe ThaT
Hate anyone: No NoT TodaY!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A MaN WhO LoVeS Me As MuCh As i LoVe HIM!!!!!
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My Blog

redneck friends

FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Never ask for food.REDNECK FRIENDS: are the reason you have no food.FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/MrsREDNECK FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOMFAKE ASS FRIENDS: bail you out...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 20:17:00 GMT

you know when your from ohio when....

Thanks Jeff Foxworthy and mr. mankins...Some of these may be more true for some of the more rural Ohioans, but they still make me laugh!!  You may be from Ohio (pronounced "ah-hi-uh") i...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 16:57:00 GMT

another survey

Personal.Name: Heather Nicole YoungBirthday: 6/2/85Hometown: i was born in columbus....Current Town: PataskalaPets: 3 dogs 1 cat and a guinea pigSiblings: 1 sister, Courtney and 1 brother, NickParents...
Posted by on Tue, 30 May 2006 12:16:00 GMT

what to do???

what do you do when the person you care most about in the world is the one that hurts you the most??? this is a burning question that i can not figure out the answer to. any help is greatly appreciate...
Posted by on Tue, 09 May 2006 21:00:00 GMT