Music, Travel, Cooking, Soccer, Capoeira, Computers, Design, Photography, Movies, Books, Dancing, Writing, Shedding, Winning Powerball, Expanding my online empire:,,
Me. Truth seekers.
Current obsessions: Rumba Catalan, Joe Bataan (Boogaloo!), learning to play Caetano Velozo - Sozinho, Imperio Serrano and early (1915 - 1940) samba/choro, Rhymefest, Deltron 3000, Brian Webster, Slam Stewart & Major Holley - Shut Yo' Mouth is baaaaaaaad, Syl Johnson = S-O-U-L, BDP, Sun Ra and his Afro anything, Barry White, Lou Rawls, late 70s R&B infused disco-funk
Annie Hall, Goodfellas, The Godfather, Malcolm X, Blazing Saddles, Reservoir Dogs, True Romance, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Central Station
Daily Show, Great Chefs, Mucha Lucha, the He-Man DVD set I just bought
Current: On Human Bondage - Somerset Maugham, Dream Boogie - Pete Guralnik, The Fire Next Time - James Baldwin, I Didn't Do it For You - Michela Wrong, A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man - Joyce
Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, Radomir Kovacevic