Most people on the Internet probably know me as Kalfiez the Silver Fangwyrm. As you can see by my interests, I like dragons AND what do you think I draw?? (If you don't say dragons I'll slap you!!) You can check out my deviantArt page as Kalfiez I work at a craphole job, but it's easy and I get paid under the table (shhh...don't tell the feds!!). People at school probably think I'm weird cuz I don't talk much and I listen to 80's rock (metal rules!!). Anywho, I wanna write and direct movies (not THOSE kinda movies, Hollywood movies...get ur minds outta the gutter, pervs!). So, if you can't find out what you wanted to know here, chances are you shouldn't be looking for that info. So, look around, whatever.