Dear MySpace Friends, I am letting You know about the book written for all people on the planet Earth. In this book You can, amongst many other things, learn: Scientific explanation about Who Is God and How God Functions, How Cosmos came into existence i.e. was created, How life really commenced on the planet Earth, Why are we here; what is the purpose of human life and all other life on the planet Earth, How and when a human being can become an Angel – an immortal, eternal and omniscient being, How we can, still, prevent the upcoming cataclysm (planet Earth's physical changes) and the WWIII, or how to survive through these events. The course of the events of the cataclysm and the WWIII, Where, when and why the continent of Atlantis is going to resurface, The planet Earth's past, and possible futures, foretold by different prophets, The emerging Indigo Race; who is Indigo and why, and what is his or hers life's purpose, About the New Age – The Golden Age; what does the term "Golden Age" really means and how humanity can, still, realize it, What will happen if humanity causes the planet Earth to die, and who will be saved if that happens, Why is the Asteroid directed towards the planet Earth and what humanity must do to avoid collision, And many other important things that every human being should know.-------------------------------- The time has come for humanity to decide over the planet Earth's destiny. Today many people already know about the Asteroid that is on the collision course with the planet Earth. While scientists are vainly trying to find a way to stop it, there are people on the planet Earth whose mission it is to warn other people and to explain them why the Asteroid is directed towards and how humanity can save the planet Earth. That is also the main reason why this book – The Message – Revelation has been written. Because saving the planet Earth is only possible if enough people on the planet Earth receive and read this Revelation in due time and then act according to the instructions it offers, You are kindly asked to forward this book – The Message – Revelation, located in my blog: THE MESSAGE - REVELATION, to everyone You can as soon as possible!--------------------------------------------------- ------- If anyone would like to receive, for free, the original book – The Message – Revelation, written as PDF Document, which is also equipped with all adequate pictures that enable better understanding of The Message – Revelation, he can send his request to the email address: [email protected] and he will receive an email, with the book – The Message – Revelation as attachment, back to his email address as soon as possible. ----------------------------- Thanks and good luck! Peace to all beings! ---------"Son of man, a watchman (a guardian) is what I have made you to the house of Israel – planet Earth (house of Rainbow Warriors – evolving children of Light – Angels), and you must hear from my mouth speech and you must warn them from me – sun Ra!" --- Ezekiel 3:17 --------------------Would like to meet everybody that will try to help our planet Earth and life on it to survive.