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Don't Call Me Geek!!

About Me

Its been just over a year since the Mad Capsule Markets disbanded to pursue solo projects. My period of mourning may end soon. Not sure yet. They rocked hard. And I'm a bit sad.
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My Interests

Ok this is where I really geek it up.
I like films, most films are cool. Not really into chick-flicks much to the disgust of my girl but when she sits down and watches Star Wars with me I'll consider watching something gay that she likes.
Not too geeky so far? Good.
I'm an avid Star Wars fan, but aren't most people nowadays? Nothing unusual there.
Ok I guess thats a little understatement, I've been collecting Star Wars toys for w few years and now own over 60 mint condition, complete vintage (1977-1983) Star Wars figures. Yep, the ones that our parents gave to charity and are now worth more than my left nut. Got to love your folks.
Don't worry guys, its all downhill from here.
I must confess at this stage that i also possess a comic collection, the startings of a good comic collection too and potentially forming the basis of my future career.
Stop shaking your heads. At least I have a big willy to make up for my geek tendancies...
And just to round it off, as this sections getting long, I'm a video game geek. Yep thats right to cap it all off I can complete thirteen button combo moves on Street fighter in less that a second. And yes I play video games online and yes I own a great many Japanese RPGs. But screw you man, I'm a level 600,000 Goblin Head Stomper...
Most people who know me will profess that I can spend as much as 70 hours a week playing video games, talking about video games or reading about video games. Check me out on Final Fantasy Online as Yenoleno.

I'd like to meet:

Your mum for an intimate candlelit dinner for two. And your dad for some fun afterwards.
Oh, you wanted the serious answer. Ok well I'd like to meet Adolph Hitler so I can kick that Cu** squarely in the swingers.


Insert obscure band list here:
My favorite band:
Mad Capsule Markets rule all!!!!!!!!
And in no particular order:
Blink 182
Fightstar (I hate busted so I'm not all gay.)
Avenged Sevenfold
Ill nino
Angels and Airwaves
Jimmy Eat World
Iron Maiden
Saves the Day
I can't think of anymore right now. Sorry.


I like film.
Top Ten films in my collection right now:
1= Star Wars original Trilogy - Screw You Lucas you sell out
1= Battle Royale
3 Lord of the Rings Trilogy
4 Mallrats
5 Supertroopers
6 Indiana Jones Trilogy
7 The Goonies
8 Hero
9 Way of the Dragon - Not Enter the Dragon, thats not cult enough...
10 Empire Records
Of course like most people this'll change next week. It depends on my mood.


Television is for people who can't play video games. But if I have to watch anything it's usually stuff like South Park, Without a Trace, Family Guy, Friends and America's Fattest Fatties.
And if you got the obscure reference in my TV list then you're watching way too much TV...


What real books or comic books?
Dammit, ok I like the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. Pretty much the only two books I read continually. I first found the Hobbit in the School Library when I was about 13. And before you say anything I was lost. Honestly. C'mon, you have to believe me. Ok, I wasn't lost. Don't take the piss just because I can read a card catalogue you primates. I've read it every year dozens of times since then. Love it.
I've also read a lot, and I mean a lot, of Kids books, teenage books and Star Wars novels. Yep I'm that sad. Though I have to admit its my Girlfriends fault. She makes me read them. Besides it's kind of nice to chill with a picture book when you have a hangover.
Top five Books in no particular order:
1 - The Hobbit
2 - The Lord of the Rings
3 - The Book of Bunny Suicides
4 - Angels and Demons (Trust me this blows the Da Vinci code off the shelf.)
5 - The Spiderwick Chronicles
Comics-wise it depends on the characters and titles but a fair mix of Golden Age stuff and modern Korean stuff with a little bit in between:
Tons of Star Wars titles
Silver Surfer (the SS is PIMP)
King of Hell
Marvel Zombies
Astonishing X-Men
Original Transformers - The Marvel and/or Simon Furman stuff.
Amazing Spiderman
And all the other books in my collection: Tomb Raider, KOTOR, TOTJ, Tank Girl, Marvel Adventures and so on.
And for those that are interested my Star Wars book collection broke the 100 book marker a few weeks ago! Yay!


Heroes is a topic of great contention in my house as it is not uncommon for the expression 'he's a hero of mine' to ring out from one or anothers mush. The way I see it heroes are often people who inspire you into doing something. In my case I have two.
Bruce Lee; much has been said about how strong this guy was an how fast he could kick your nose through your ear and all that crap but to be honest with you he was a pioneering modern day philosopher and an inspiration to those who suffer setbacks in their lives. Many people don't know that Bruce Developed Jeet Kun Do when laying on a hospital bed for 6 months after nearly destroying his back. He developed it not so he could pound the guy who hit on his womens but so that he could incorporate a modern philosophy into traditional martial arts. He regained his health and proceeded to create one of the best known forms of kung fu in the world today.
My second hero is not as Hollywood and Bruce but definately a legend. John Lennon was a Beatle but we can forgive him for that. More importantly he famously staged a sleep in. Next to a minger. For ages. And he didn't cringe. Last time I woke up next to a minger I nearly puked. Legend.