Kirsty profile picture


About Me

About me:
. Save Rhythms Of The World . Miscellaneous Promotions . The Budda Cakes . My Pet Junkie . Party Shank . Justice Vs. Simian . Drop Kixx .
And I shout that you're all fakes

And you should have seen the look on your face
I'm Kirsty.
I can't go 10 minutes without ruining something, I never mean to though
I don't really fit in and I like it that way
I'm independant, stubborn and break alot
And I can promise you that I'd rather be in Scotland, no matter what.
Should you by any chance be in the TV business, you can find me at Guys And Dolls
Comment me here
I can be found at the following:
My plans look like this:April 9th - Live Cicuit meeting
April 11th - 2012 Party!
April 12th - recovery
April 17th My Pet Junkie & Frog Stupid @ club 85
May 6th - Filming
May 16th - Photoshoot
May 27th - Stu/Em/Nora have a birthday!
June 2nd - Mum's birthday
June 4th - Sociology exams
June 11th - Sociology exams
June 26th - Party time @ The Horn w/Chae
July 4th - ROTW! @ The Priory, Hitchin
July 5th - ROTW! @ The Priory, Hitchin
July 24th - TATTOO! @ Magnum Opus & Brighton Party July 25th - More Brighton Party Time! August ?? - Results day!
September 5th - back to college :(
Friday 3rd November 2017 - Christopoulos-Bond wedding - Athens.
Winter 2058 - Die
Date TBC - Going to Scotland
Date TBC - going to Lincoln & Preston
Date TBC - going to Liverpool
Date TBC - going to Kent
Date TBC - going to Cardiff
Date TBC - going to Ireland
who I'd like:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog


I never thought it could hurt this much.    
Posted by on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 17:53:00 GMT


I don't like my town, not the memories, not the people in it and not the attitude that lines the streets and possess you. Because of this I spend most of my time on the move. Be it 20 miles to college...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 11:42:00 GMT


So today was absolutely fantastic. My time today was spread between Kirk and Kev, but more importantly, K-Dawg and Tommy Pizzle. We didn't do anything in perticular but it was the most fun I've had in...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 14:11:00 GMT


100 things you don't really need to know about me:1.I'll only drink water out of a certain glass2. I've become quite obsessed with fruit juice3. I really like walking through a house with all the door...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 22:02:00 GMT


My name: If anything, who/ what is the real love of my life: Where did we meet: Take a stab at my middle name: How long have you known me: When is the last time that we saw each other: Do I smok...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 21:37:00 GMT

"Why?" I hear you ask

So people keep asking 'why did you write that blog?' or 'how can you talk about your private life on the internet?' and I understand where they're comming from. I used to go on peoples profiles and th...
Posted by on Sun, 14 May 2006 16:41:00 GMT

What's happened?

So I guess it's been gradual but at the same time it all came down like a tonne of bricks. I've changed and awful lot and to be honest I'm not happy with who I've become.   When did I start going...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 07:24:00 GMT

Work experience at the Hospital

So, last year I had work experience at Lonsdale school, which was boyond amazing and I still go back there when I get the chance. Then the hospital offered me some work experience there and I wasn't g...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 18:44:00 GMT

My boys

Yeah, I know I've done this, but alot of people aren't included as my boys anymore and some great ones are. Besides, I want to make sure everyone knows exactly who's included when I say 'my boys' and...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 12:56:00 GMT

For my Friends

I've just had the most incredible weekend with some of my closest friends and it made me realise just how lucky I am. I've known some people for years and it's so weird to realise that and have watche...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 11:18:00 GMT