About Me
i am creative and i make thriving art, always looking for inspiration and motivation to focus on art and artistic pursuits...
i have some of my art products at zazzle.com/multifacetsflux*
art wonders at the world, art explores self and others, i use art for therapy, explore art through history, commune with art and artists of all metiers, i draw, sketch, make models, digitize, texturize...
love architecture, landscapes, gardens....ceramics, statuary, sculpture and glass, origami, leatherwork, jewelry, textiles, culinary arts, basketry...
love music, i play piano, i sing, and write, but mostly i listen passionate even at the sound of water.. i'm constantly amazed at the visual images of earth and, if it's true that we came here as guardians from another star system, i can completely understand why we are under the spell of this place.. ya know?
art (rt)
1. Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.
a. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium.
b. The study of these activities.
c. The product of these activities; human works of beauty considered as a group.
3. High quality of conception or execution, as found in works of beauty; aesthetic value.
4. A field or category of art, such as music, ballet, or literature.
5. A nonscientific branch of learning; one of the liberal arts.
a. A system of principles and methods employed in the performance of a set of activities: the art of building.
b. A trade or craft that applies such a system of principles and methods: the art of the lexicographer.
a. Skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation: the art of the baker; the blacksmith's art.
b. Skill arising from the exercise of intuitive faculties: Self-criticism is an art not many are qualified to practice (Joyce Carol Oates).
a. arts; Artful devices, stratagems, and tricks.
b. Artful contrivance; cunning.
9. Printing. Illustrative material.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin ars, art-. See ar- in Indo-European Roots.]
Synonyms: art, craft, expertise, knack, know-how, technique...
These nouns denote skill in doing or performing that is attained by study, practice, or observation: the art of rhetoric; pottery that reveals an artist's craft; political expertise; a knack for teaching; mechanical know-how; a precise diving technique...
art::skill::adroitness, aptitude, artistry, craft, craftsmanship, creativity, dexterity, expertise, facility, imagination, ingenuity, inventiveness, knack, know-how, knowledge, mastery, method, profession, trade, virtuosity...
art::cunning::artfulness, artifice, astuteness, canniness, craftiness, deceit, duplicity, guile, slyness, trickery, wiliness...
art::creation::abstraction, carving, description, design, illustration, imitation, modeling, molding, painting, pictorialization, portrayal, representation, sculpting, shaping, simulation, sketching, symbolization...
art exhibit::art display::art display, display, exhibit, showing...
art film::avant-garde film:: la dolce vita::fellini art movie, experimental film, independent film, indie film, indie movie, representational film...
artistry::creativity::ability, accomplishment, art, brilliance, craftsmanship, creativity, finesse, flair, genius, mastery, proficiency, style, talent, taste, touch, virtuosity, workmanship
martial art::far eastern discipline or sport::aikido, judo, jujitsu, karate, kendo, kick boxing, kung fu, sumo wrestling, tae kwon do, t'ai chi, wrestling...
naturalistic art::lifelike art::realistic art, true-to-life art
objet d' art::art object::artistic production, art work, collector's piece, composition, curio, design, knickknack, object of art, piece, piece of art, study, work of art....
state-of-the-art::pertaining to highest level of development at time::advanced, cutting edge, forefront, latest, leading edge, modern, most recent, new, newest, ultramodern, up-to-the-minute...
work of art::art object::artwork, composition, object of art, objet d'art, piece, study...
accomplishment::triumph::ability, achievement, act, art, attainment, bringing about, capability, carrying out, completion, conclusion, consummation, coup, deed, effecting, effort, execution, exploit, feat, finish, fulfillment, hat trick, performance, production, proficiency, realization, skill, stroke, success, talent, triumph..
avant-garde::unconventional::beat, experimental, far out, far-out, head, hep, hip, innovative, lead, leading edge, liberal, new, new waves, pioneering, progressive, radical, state-of-the-art, vanguard, way-out...
magic, mysticism, voodoo, wizardry...
calling::profession::art, business, career, craft, do, dodge, employment, gig, go, handicraft, hang, life's work, lifework, line, mission, mtier, nine-to-five, occupation, play, province, pursuit, racket, rat race, slot, swindle, trade, vocation, work...
canvas::painting::art, artwork, oil, picture, piece, portrait, still life...
capability::ability::adequacy, aptitude, art, capacity, competence, craft, cunning, effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, facility, faculty, means, might, potency, potential, potentiality, power, proficiency, qualification, qualifiedness, skill, wherewithal...
classical music::simplicity::art music, chamber music, classic, concert music, longhair music, operatic music, semiclassical music, symphonic music...
classicism::simplicity::aesthetic principle, Atticism, balance, Ciceronianism, clarity, class, classicalism, conventional formality, dignity, elegance, eloquence, excellence, finish, formal style, formality, grand style, grandeur, Hellenism, high art, lucidity, majesty, neoclassicism, nobility, objectivity, observance, polish, proportion, propriety, pure taste, purity, rationalism, refinement, regularity, restraint, rhythm, severity, simplicity, sobriety, sublimity, symmetry...
craft::skill::ability, adeptness, adroitness, aptitude, art, artistry, cleverness, competence, cunning, dexterity, expertise, expertness, ingenuity, knack, know-how, proficiency, technique, workmanship...
craft::deceit::art, artfulness, artifice, cageyness, canniness, contrivance, craftiness, cunning, disingenuity, duplicity, foxiness, guile, ruse, scheme, shrewdness, slyness, stratagem, strategy, subterfuge, subtlety, trickery, wiles, wiliness...
craft::business::art, calling, career, discipline, employment, handicraft, line, metier, occupation, profession, pursuit, trade, vocation, work...
culture::education::ability, accomplishment, address, aestheticism, art, breeding, capacity, civilization, class, courtesy, cultivation, delicacy, dignity, discrimination, dress, elegance, elevation, enlightenment, erudition, experience, fashion, finish, gentility, good taste, grace, improvement, kindness, learning, manners, nobility, perception, polish, politeness, practice, proficiency, refinement, savoir-faire, science, skill, sophistication, tact, training, urbanity...
dexterity::aptitude::ability, adroitness, aptness, art, artistry, cleverness, craft, cunning, deftness, effortlessness, expertise, expertness, facility, finesse, handiness, ingenuity, knack, know-how, mastery, neatness, nimbleness, proficiency, readiness, skill, skillfulness, smoothness, tact, touch...
drawing::illustration::cartoon, commercial art, comp, delineation, depiction, design, doodle, etching, graphics, layout, likeness, outline, painting, picture, portrayal, representation, sketch, storyboard, study, tracing...
expertise::knowledge::ability, ableness, adroitness, aptness, art, bag, chops, cleverness, command, competence, craft, cunning, deftness, dexterity, dodge, expertness, expertness, facility, finesse, goods, ingeniousness, judgment, knack, know-how, line, makings, masterliness, mastery, oil, one's thing, proficiency, prowess, readiness, savvy, sharpness, skill, skillfulness, stuff...
handicraft::artwork::achievement, art, artefact, artifact, artisanship, calling, craft, craftsmanship, creation, design, handiwork, invention, mtier, product, production, profession, result, skill, trade, vocation, workmanship...
hobby::pastime::amusement, art, avocation, bag, craft, craze, distraction, diversion, divertisement, fad, fancy, favorite occupation, fun, game, interest, kick, leisure activity, leisure pursuit, obsession, occupation, pet topic, play, quest, relaxation, schtick, shot, sideline, specialty, sport, thin, vagary, weakness, whim, whimsy...
housework::cleaning::bed-making, cooking, domestic art, domestic science, dusting, home economics, homemaking, housecraft, housekeeping, housewifery, husbandry, ironing, laundering, maintaining, management, mopping, sewing, stewardship, sweeping, washing...
know-how::skill::ability, adroitness, aptitude, art, background, capability, command, craft, cunning, dexterity, experience, expertise, expertness, faculty, flair, ingenuity, knack, knowledge, mastery, proficiency, savoir-faire, talent, wisdom...
leading edge::forward edge::cutting edge, forefront, front, front edge, point, state-of-the-art, van, vanguard...
livelihood::occupation::alimentation, art, bacon, beeswax, bread, business, circumstances, craft, day gig, dodge, employment, game, grind, income, job, keep, living, maintenance, means, nine-to-five, profession, racket, rat race, resources, slot, subsistence, support, sustenance, swindle, thing, trade, vocation, work...
magic::charm::abracadabra, alchemy, allurement, astrology, augury, bewitchment, black art, conjuring, conjury, devilry, diabolism, divination, enchantment, exorcism, fascination, foreboding, fortune-telling, hocus-pocus, horoscopy, illusion, incantation, legerdemain, magnetism, necromancy, occultism, power, prediction, presage, prestidigitation, prophecy, rune, soothsaying, sorcery, sortilege, spell, superstition, taboo, thaumaturgy, trickery, voodoo, voodooism, witchcraft, wizardry...
medium::artistry::art, delineation, drama, evidence, gesture, interpretation, manifestation, mark, media, music, painting, revelation, sculpture, sign, speech, statement, symbol, token, writing...
objet trouve::found object::found art...
ornament::decoration:: accessory, adornment, art, bauble, beautification, design, doodad, embellishment, embroidery, fandangle, flower, frill, frou-frou, furbelow, garbage, garnish, gewgaw, gimcrack, gingerbread, honor, jazz, jewel, knickknack, pride, thing, treasure, trimming, trinket...
persuasion::influencing::alignment, alluring, art-twist, blandishment, brainwash, brainwashing, cajolery, cogency, con, conversion, enticement, exhortation, force, goose, hard sell, hook, inducement, inveiglement, juice, persuasiveness, potency, power, promote, pull, seduction, sell, snow job, soft soap, squeeze, sweet talk, wheedling, winning over, working over...
picture::illustration::account, art, blueprint, canvas, cartoon, copy, delineation, depiction, description, doodle, double, draft, drawing, duplicate, effigy, engraving, figure, icon, image, impression, likeness, look-alike, outline, painting, panorama, photo, Iman, American Vogue, Hotel Negresco, Nice, 1989 ~ helmut newton photograph, piece, portrait, portraiture, portrayal, presentment, print, re-creation, replica, report, representation, ringer, similitude, simulacrum, sketch, spectacle, spitting image, statue, tableau, twin...
political science::political philosophy::art of the possible, civics, governance, government, poli-sci, political theory, politics, realpolitik, statesmanship...
profession::work::art, avocation, bag, berth, billet, biz, business, calling, career, chosen work, concern, craft, dodge, employment, engagement, field, game, handicraft, hang, lifework, line, mtier, occupation, office, position, post, pursuit, rat race, role, service, situation, slot, specialty, sphere, thing, trade, undertaking, vocation...
public speaking::delivering an addressart of speaking, declamation, elocution, oratory, rhetoric, speaking, speechification, speechmaking, stump oratory, tub-thumping...
science::study::art, branch, discipline, education, erudition, information, learning, lore, scholarship, skill, system, technique, wisdom...
skill:ability::accomplishment, address, adroitness, aptitude, art, artistry, bag, cleverness, clout, command, competence, craft, cunning, deftness, dexterity, dodge, ease, experience, expertise, expertism, expertness, facility, finesse, goods, handiness, ingenuity, intelligence, job, knack, know-how, line, makings, mastership, mastery, moxie, one's thing, profession, proficiency, prowess, quickness, readiness, right stuff, savvy, skillfulness, sleight, smarts, stuff, talent, technique, trade, work...
sorcery::witchcraft::abracadabra, alchemy, bewitchment, black art, black magic, charm, conjuring, devilry, divination, enchantment, evil eye, hocus-pocus, hoodoo, incantation, jinx, magic, mumbo-jumbo, necromancy, spell, thaumaturgy, voodoo, whammy, witchery, witching, wizardry...
surperb::first-rate::ace, admirable, august, best, breathtaking, choice, elegant, elevated, exalted, excellent, exquisite, fab, fine, glorious, gorgeous, grand, greatest, in orbit, lofty, magnificent, majestic, marvelous, matchless, noble, optimal, optimum, outstanding, peerless, prime, proud, rad, resplendent, solid, splendid, splendiferous, splendorous, standout, state-of-the-art, stunning, sublime, super, superior, superlative, tops, unrivaled, very best, zero cool...
talent::ability::aptitude, aptness, art, bent, bit, bump, capability, capacity, craft, endowment, expertise, facility, faculty, flair, forte, genius, gift, green thumb, head, inventiveness, knack, know-how, nose, power, savvy, set, skill, smarts, the formula, the goods, the stuff, thing, turn...
technique::method::address, approach, art, artistry, capability, capacity, course, craft, delivery, execution, facility, fashion, knack, know-how, manner, means, mode, modus, modus operandi, performance, procedure, proficiency, routine, skill, style, system, tactics, technic, touch, usage, way, wise...
touch::ability::acquaintance, adroitness, approach, art, artistry, awareness, characteristic, command, communication, contact, deftness, direction, effect, facility, familiarity, finish, flair, hand, handiwork, influence, knack, manner, mastery, method, skill, style, talent, technique, trademark, understanding, virtuosity, way...
trade::profession::art, avocation, bag, beeswax, biz, business, calling, craft, dodge, employment, game, gig, handicraft, job, line, mtier, nine-to-five, occupation, position, pursuit, skill, thing, vocation, work...
trick::expertise::ability, ableness, adroitness, aptness, art, bag, chops, cleverness, command, competence, craft, cunning, deftness, dexterity, dodge, expertness, expertness, facility, finesse, goods, ingeniousness, judgment, knack, know-how, line, makings, masterliness, mastery, oil, one's thing, proficiency, prowess, readiness, savvy, sharpness, skill, skillfulness, stuff...
up to date::current::abreast, advanced, au courant, avant-garde, brand-new, contempo, contemporary, cutting edge, dashing, expedient, faddish, fashionable, fitting, hot, in, in fashion, in vogue, in-thing, last word, latest, leading edge, modern, modernistic, modish, neoteric, new, newest, newfangled, now, opportune, popular, red-hot, state-of-the-art, stylish, suitable, timely, today, trendy, up, up-to-the-minute, with it..
up to date::current::au courant, contemporary, cutting edge, fashionable, happening, in vogue, modern, new, state of the art, stylish, trendy, up-to-the-minute, with-it..
vocation::work:: art, bag, biz, business, calling, career, craft, do, dodge, duty, employment, field, game, gig, go, handicraft, hang, job, lifework, line, mission, mtier, nine-to-five, number, occupation, office, post, profession, pursuit, racket, role, thing, trade, undertaking
vogue::fashionable:: faddy, in, in-thing, last word, latest, mod, modish, now, popular, prevalent, rage, state-of-the-art, trendy, up-to-the-minute, with it...
witchcraft::magic::abracadabra, bewitchment, black art, black magic, charisma, conjuring, demonology, devil worship, divination, double-whammy, enchantment, hocus-pocus, hoodoo, incantation, jinx, magnetism, mumbo-jumbo, necromancy, occult, occultism, sorcery, spell, thaumaturgy, voodoo, voodooism, whammy, witchery, witching, wizardry...
workmanship::business::activity, art, bag, calling, commitment, contract, craft, daily grind, do, dodge, duty, employment, endeavor, gig, go, grind, hang, industry, job, line, livelihood, manufacture, moonlight, mtier, nine-to-five, obligation, occupation, office, practice, profession, pursuit, racket, responsibility, skill, slot, specialization, stint, swindle, task, thing, trade, vocation, walk...
workmanship::expertise::ability, achievement, art, artistry, competence, craft, craftsmanship, execution, handicraft, handiwork, manufacture, proficiency, quality, skill, technique, work...Layout Created at ...net with LIVE preview!!