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About Me

i am creative and i make thriving art, always looking for inspiration and motivation to focus on art and artistic pursuits...
i have some of my art products at*
art wonders at the world, art explores self and others, i use art for therapy, explore art through history, commune with art and artists of all metiers, i draw, sketch, make models, digitize, texturize...
love architecture, landscapes, gardens....ceramics, statuary, sculpture and glass, origami, leatherwork, jewelry, textiles, culinary arts, basketry...
love music, i play piano, i sing, and write, but mostly i listen passionate even at the sound of water.. i'm constantly amazed at the visual images of earth and, if it's true that we came here as guardians from another star system, i can completely understand why we are under the spell of this place.. ya know?
art (rt) 1. Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature. 2. a. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium. b. The study of these activities. c. The product of these activities; human works of beauty considered as a group. 3. High quality of conception or execution, as found in works of beauty; aesthetic value. 4. A field or category of art, such as music, ballet, or literature. 5. A nonscientific branch of learning; one of the liberal arts. 6. a. A system of principles and methods employed in the performance of a set of activities: the art of building. b. A trade or craft that applies such a system of principles and methods: the art of the lexicographer. 7. a. Skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation: the art of the baker; the blacksmith's art. b. Skill arising from the exercise of intuitive faculties: Self-criticism is an art not many are qualified to practice (Joyce Carol Oates). 8. a. arts; Artful devices, stratagems, and tricks. b. Artful contrivance; cunning. 9. Printing. Illustrative material. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin ars, art-. See ar- in Indo-European Roots.]
Synonyms: art, craft, expertise, knack, know-how, technique...
These nouns denote skill in doing or performing that is attained by study, practice, or observation: the art of rhetoric; pottery that reveals an artist's craft; political expertise; a knack for teaching; mechanical know-how; a precise diving technique...
art::skill::adroitness, aptitude, artistry, craft, craftsmanship, creativity, dexterity, expertise, facility, imagination, ingenuity, inventiveness, knack, know-how, knowledge, mastery, method, profession, trade, virtuosity...
art::cunning::artfulness, artifice, astuteness, canniness, craftiness, deceit, duplicity, guile, slyness, trickery, wiliness...
art::creation::abstraction, carving, description, design, illustration, imitation, modeling, molding, painting, pictorialization, portrayal, representation, sculpting, shaping, simulation, sketching, symbolization...
art exhibit::art display::art display, display, exhibit, showing...
art film::avant-garde film:: la dolce vita::fellini art movie, experimental film, independent film, indie film, indie movie, representational film...
artistry::creativity::ability, accomplishment, art, brilliance, craftsmanship, creativity, finesse, flair, genius, mastery, proficiency, style, talent, taste, touch, virtuosity, workmanship
martial art::far eastern discipline or sport::aikido, judo, jujitsu, karate, kendo, kick boxing, kung fu, sumo wrestling, tae kwon do, t'ai chi, wrestling...
naturalistic art::lifelike art::realistic art, true-to-life art
objet d' art::art object::artistic production, art work, collector's piece, composition, curio, design, knickknack, object of art, piece, piece of art, study, work of art....
state-of-the-art::pertaining to highest level of development at time::advanced, cutting edge, forefront, latest, leading edge, modern, most recent, new, newest, ultramodern, up-to-the-minute...
work of art::art object::artwork, composition, object of art, objet d'art, piece, study...
accomplishment::triumph::ability, achievement, act, art, attainment, bringing about, capability, carrying out, completion, conclusion, consummation, coup, deed, effecting, effort, execution, exploit, feat, finish, fulfillment, hat trick, performance, production, proficiency, realization, skill, stroke, success, talent, triumph..
avant-garde::unconventional::beat, experimental, far out, far-out, head, hep, hip, innovative, lead, leading edge, liberal, new, new waves, pioneering, progressive, radical, state-of-the-art, vanguard, way-out... magic, mysticism, voodoo, wizardry...
calling::profession::art, business, career, craft, do, dodge, employment, gig, go, handicraft, hang, life's work, lifework, line, mission, mtier, nine-to-five, occupation, play, province, pursuit, racket, rat race, slot, swindle, trade, vocation, work...
canvas::painting::art, artwork, oil, picture, piece, portrait, still life...
capability::ability::adequacy, aptitude, art, capacity, competence, craft, cunning, effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, facility, faculty, means, might, potency, potential, potentiality, power, proficiency, qualification, qualifiedness, skill, wherewithal...
classical music::simplicity::art music, chamber music, classic, concert music, longhair music, operatic music, semiclassical music, symphonic music...
classicism::simplicity::aesthetic principle, Atticism, balance, Ciceronianism, clarity, class, classicalism, conventional formality, dignity, elegance, eloquence, excellence, finish, formal style, formality, grand style, grandeur, Hellenism, high art, lucidity, majesty, neoclassicism, nobility, objectivity, observance, polish, proportion, propriety, pure taste, purity, rationalism, refinement, regularity, restraint, rhythm, severity, simplicity, sobriety, sublimity, symmetry...
craft::skill::ability, adeptness, adroitness, aptitude, art, artistry, cleverness, competence, cunning, dexterity, expertise, expertness, ingenuity, knack, know-how, proficiency, technique, workmanship...
craft::deceit::art, artfulness, artifice, cageyness, canniness, contrivance, craftiness, cunning, disingenuity, duplicity, foxiness, guile, ruse, scheme, shrewdness, slyness, stratagem, strategy, subterfuge, subtlety, trickery, wiles, wiliness...
craft::business::art, calling, career, discipline, employment, handicraft, line, metier, occupation, profession, pursuit, trade, vocation, work...
culture::education::ability, accomplishment, address, aestheticism, art, breeding, capacity, civilization, class, courtesy, cultivation, delicacy, dignity, discrimination, dress, elegance, elevation, enlightenment, erudition, experience, fashion, finish, gentility, good taste, grace, improvement, kindness, learning, manners, nobility, perception, polish, politeness, practice, proficiency, refinement, savoir-faire, science, skill, sophistication, tact, training, urbanity...
dexterity::aptitude::ability, adroitness, aptness, art, artistry, cleverness, craft, cunning, deftness, effortlessness, expertise, expertness, facility, finesse, handiness, ingenuity, knack, know-how, mastery, neatness, nimbleness, proficiency, readiness, skill, skillfulness, smoothness, tact, touch...
drawing::illustration::cartoon, commercial art, comp, delineation, depiction, design, doodle, etching, graphics, layout, likeness, outline, painting, picture, portrayal, representation, sketch, storyboard, study, tracing...
expertise::knowledge::ability, ableness, adroitness, aptness, art, bag, chops, cleverness, command, competence, craft, cunning, deftness, dexterity, dodge, expertness, expertness, facility, finesse, goods, ingeniousness, judgment, knack, know-how, line, makings, masterliness, mastery, oil, one's thing, proficiency, prowess, readiness, savvy, sharpness, skill, skillfulness, stuff...
handicraft::artwork::achievement, art, artefact, artifact, artisanship, calling, craft, craftsmanship, creation, design, handiwork, invention, mtier, product, production, profession, result, skill, trade, vocation, workmanship...
hobby::pastime::amusement, art, avocation, bag, craft, craze, distraction, diversion, divertisement, fad, fancy, favorite occupation, fun, game, interest, kick, leisure activity, leisure pursuit, obsession, occupation, pet topic, play, quest, relaxation, schtick, shot, sideline, specialty, sport, thin, vagary, weakness, whim, whimsy...
housework::cleaning::bed-making, cooking, domestic art, domestic science, dusting, home economics, homemaking, housecraft, housekeeping, housewifery, husbandry, ironing, laundering, maintaining, management, mopping, sewing, stewardship, sweeping, washing...
know-how::skill::ability, adroitness, aptitude, art, background, capability, command, craft, cunning, dexterity, experience, expertise, expertness, faculty, flair, ingenuity, knack, knowledge, mastery, proficiency, savoir-faire, talent, wisdom... leading edge::forward edge::cutting edge, forefront, front, front edge, point, state-of-the-art, van, vanguard...
livelihood::occupation::alimentation, art, bacon, beeswax, bread, business, circumstances, craft, day gig, dodge, employment, game, grind, income, job, keep, living, maintenance, means, nine-to-five, profession, racket, rat race, resources, slot, subsistence, support, sustenance, swindle, thing, trade, vocation, work...
magic::charm::abracadabra, alchemy, allurement, astrology, augury, bewitchment, black art, conjuring, conjury, devilry, diabolism, divination, enchantment, exorcism, fascination, foreboding, fortune-telling, hocus-pocus, horoscopy, illusion, incantation, legerdemain, magnetism, necromancy, occultism, power, prediction, presage, prestidigitation, prophecy, rune, soothsaying, sorcery, sortilege, spell, superstition, taboo, thaumaturgy, trickery, voodoo, voodooism, witchcraft, wizardry...
medium::artistry::art, delineation, drama, evidence, gesture, interpretation, manifestation, mark, media, music, painting, revelation, sculpture, sign, speech, statement, symbol, token, writing...
objet trouve::found object::found art...
ornament::decoration:: accessory, adornment, art, bauble, beautification, design, doodad, embellishment, embroidery, fandangle, flower, frill, frou-frou, furbelow, garbage, garnish, gewgaw, gimcrack, gingerbread, honor, jazz, jewel, knickknack, pride, thing, treasure, trimming, trinket...
persuasion::influencing::alignment, alluring, art-twist, blandishment, brainwash, brainwashing, cajolery, cogency, con, conversion, enticement, exhortation, force, goose, hard sell, hook, inducement, inveiglement, juice, persuasiveness, potency, power, promote, pull, seduction, sell, snow job, soft soap, squeeze, sweet talk, wheedling, winning over, working over...
picture::illustration::account, art, blueprint, canvas, cartoon, copy, delineation, depiction, description, doodle, double, draft, drawing, duplicate, effigy, engraving, figure, icon, image, impression, likeness, look-alike, outline, painting, panorama, photo, Iman, American Vogue, Hotel Negresco, Nice, 1989 ~ helmut newton photograph, piece, portrait, portraiture, portrayal, presentment, print, re-creation, replica, report, representation, ringer, similitude, simulacrum, sketch, spectacle, spitting image, statue, tableau, twin...
political science::political philosophy::art of the possible, civics, governance, government, poli-sci, political theory, politics, realpolitik, statesmanship...
profession::work::art, avocation, bag, berth, billet, biz, business, calling, career, chosen work, concern, craft, dodge, employment, engagement, field, game, handicraft, hang, lifework, line, mtier, occupation, office, position, post, pursuit, rat race, role, service, situation, slot, specialty, sphere, thing, trade, undertaking, vocation...
public speaking::delivering an addressart of speaking, declamation, elocution, oratory, rhetoric, speaking, speechification, speechmaking, stump oratory, tub-thumping...
science::study::art, branch, discipline, education, erudition, information, learning, lore, scholarship, skill, system, technique, wisdom...
skill:ability::accomplishment, address, adroitness, aptitude, art, artistry, bag, cleverness, clout, command, competence, craft, cunning, deftness, dexterity, dodge, ease, experience, expertise, expertism, expertness, facility, finesse, goods, handiness, ingenuity, intelligence, job, knack, know-how, line, makings, mastership, mastery, moxie, one's thing, profession, proficiency, prowess, quickness, readiness, right stuff, savvy, skillfulness, sleight, smarts, stuff, talent, technique, trade, work...
sorcery::witchcraft::abracadabra, alchemy, bewitchment, black art, black magic, charm, conjuring, devilry, divination, enchantment, evil eye, hocus-pocus, hoodoo, incantation, jinx, magic, mumbo-jumbo, necromancy, spell, thaumaturgy, voodoo, whammy, witchery, witching, wizardry...
surperb::first-rate::ace, admirable, august, best, breathtaking, choice, elegant, elevated, exalted, excellent, exquisite, fab, fine, glorious, gorgeous, grand, greatest, in orbit, lofty, magnificent, majestic, marvelous, matchless, noble, optimal, optimum, outstanding, peerless, prime, proud, rad, resplendent, solid, splendid, splendiferous, splendorous, standout, state-of-the-art, stunning, sublime, super, superior, superlative, tops, unrivaled, very best, zero cool...
talent::ability::aptitude, aptness, art, bent, bit, bump, capability, capacity, craft, endowment, expertise, facility, faculty, flair, forte, genius, gift, green thumb, head, inventiveness, knack, know-how, nose, power, savvy, set, skill, smarts, the formula, the goods, the stuff, thing, turn...
technique::method::address, approach, art, artistry, capability, capacity, course, craft, delivery, execution, facility, fashion, knack, know-how, manner, means, mode, modus, modus operandi, performance, procedure, proficiency, routine, skill, style, system, tactics, technic, touch, usage, way, wise...
touch::ability::acquaintance, adroitness, approach, art, artistry, awareness, characteristic, command, communication, contact, deftness, direction, effect, facility, familiarity, finish, flair, hand, handiwork, influence, knack, manner, mastery, method, skill, style, talent, technique, trademark, understanding, virtuosity, way...
trade::profession::art, avocation, bag, beeswax, biz, business, calling, craft, dodge, employment, game, gig, handicraft, job, line, mtier, nine-to-five, occupation, position, pursuit, skill, thing, vocation, work...
trick::expertise::ability, ableness, adroitness, aptness, art, bag, chops, cleverness, command, competence, craft, cunning, deftness, dexterity, dodge, expertness, expertness, facility, finesse, goods, ingeniousness, judgment, knack, know-how, line, makings, masterliness, mastery, oil, one's thing, proficiency, prowess, readiness, savvy, sharpness, skill, skillfulness, stuff...
up to date::current::abreast, advanced, au courant, avant-garde, brand-new, contempo, contemporary, cutting edge, dashing, expedient, faddish, fashionable, fitting, hot, in, in fashion, in vogue, in-thing, last word, latest, leading edge, modern, modernistic, modish, neoteric, new, newest, newfangled, now, opportune, popular, red-hot, state-of-the-art, stylish, suitable, timely, today, trendy, up, up-to-the-minute, with it..
up to date::current::au courant, contemporary, cutting edge, fashionable, happening, in vogue, modern, new, state of the art, stylish, trendy, up-to-the-minute, with-it..
vocation::work:: art, bag, biz, business, calling, career, craft, do, dodge, duty, employment, field, game, gig, go, handicraft, hang, job, lifework, line, mission, mtier, nine-to-five, number, occupation, office, post, profession, pursuit, racket, role, thing, trade, undertaking
vogue::fashionable:: faddy, in, in-thing, last word, latest, mod, modish, now, popular, prevalent, rage, state-of-the-art, trendy, up-to-the-minute, with it...
witchcraft::magic::abracadabra, bewitchment, black art, black magic, charisma, conjuring, demonology, devil worship, divination, double-whammy, enchantment, hocus-pocus, hoodoo, incantation, jinx, magnetism, mumbo-jumbo, necromancy, occult, occultism, sorcery, spell, thaumaturgy, voodoo, voodooism, whammy, witchery, witching, wizardry...
workmanship::business::activity, art, bag, calling, commitment, contract, craft, daily grind, do, dodge, duty, employment, endeavor, gig, go, grind, hang, industry, job, line, livelihood, manufacture, moonlight, mtier, nine-to-five, obligation, occupation, office, practice, profession, pursuit, racket, responsibility, skill, slot, specialization, stint, swindle, task, thing, trade, vocation, walk...
workmanship::expertise::ability, achievement, art, artistry, competence, craft, craftsmanship, execution, handicraft, handiwork, manufacture, proficiency, quality, skill, technique, work...Layout Created at with LIVE preview!!

My Interests

margaret burroughs::black venus:: 1957

william-adolphe bouguereau::the birth of venus

sandro botticelli::the birth of venus

alexandre cabanel::the birth of venus

dan mitchell ::faculty of de anza college ::irises date: 2004

hiroshige::view of edo::irises at horikiri date: 1856-58

hiroshige the sea off satta in suruga province suruga satta kaijo date: 1858
hiroshige flying swallows under peach blossoms in the moonlight gekka tsuki ni tsubame to morno no hana date: 1832-34

propaganda art by Bai Hua

new year propaganda art by Cao Shuqin

chinese propaganda art

chinese dragons

I'd like to meet:

art lovers, artists, artisans, musicians, architects, writers, filmmakers, patrons, gallery owners... well, there is actually not one person i wouldn't want to meet, even if it's just to say 'hello my fellow travelers'..


All Night Long Peter Murphy Love Hysteria ~~ ~~ When the night is closing Eyes are running wild Then I hear you humming All night longThe sign I see it Tell me am I true All I need from you is All I seeThis city's paved with cold Playboys buying fun Seems there is no hunter left Without his hunting gunCan you feel the light The air is wild open Oh you see the light it's coming through It's there in the distance Always offered to me Always coming over a hillOh your see-saw smile Lasts me all night long Like a siren's curl When the night is longNow come hold my hand No bad vibe hearts Hold my hand you know This journey could be longYeah the seasons come in All the nights are woven All the nights we'll see them through Ahh no hundred men now Would dare cut into us We'll go on and see it throughBelle, Une rose qui a joue son role Mon Miroir, Mon clef d'or Mon cheval Et mon gant sont les cinq secrets de ma puissanceJe voulais livrer Il vous suffira de mettre ce gant A votre main droite Il vous transportera ou vous desirez l'etreWhen the night has come in Your eyes are running wild Then I hear you humming All night longYeah the sign I see it Yeah the times I see it All I need to know from you Is all I seeCan you feel the light The air is wild, open Oh you see the light, It's coming through It's there in the distance Always offered to me Always coming over a hill Yeah the seasons come in All the nights are woven All the nights we'll see them through Ahh no hundred men now Would dare cut into us We'll go on and see it through


Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Vincent van Gogh , Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, René Magritte, Francisco de Goya, Frida Kahlo, Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, Rembrandt van Rijn, Andy Warhol, Georgia O'Keeffe, Wassily Kandinsky, Edvard Munch, Gustav Klimt, Abstract Expressionism (Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning), Academic Art (Adolphe William Bouguereau), American Regionalism (Grant Wood, John Rogers Cox), Art Deco (Tamara de Lempicka, Adolphe Mouron), Art Nouveau (Gustav Klimt, Aubrey Beardsley), Arts and Crafts Movement (William Morris), Ashcan School (George Wesley Bellows, John Sloan, Barbizon School (Charles-François Daubigny, Constant Troyon), Baroque Art ( Rembrandt va Rijn, Caravaggio), Bauhaus (Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy), Blaue Reiter a.k.a. The Blue Rider (Wassily Kandinsky, Frans Marc), Brücke a.k.a. The Bridge (Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Erich Heckel, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff), Byzantine Art (Bonaventura Berlinghieri, Andrei Rublev), Classicism (Lord Frederic Leighton, Herbert Draper), Contemporary Realism (Peter Hurd, Vincent Desiderio), Cubism (Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque), Cubist Realism (Charles Demuth, Preston Dickinson), Dada (Jean Arp, Marcel Duchamp), Expressionism (Franz Marc, Amadeo Modigliani), Fauvism (Henri Matisse, Andre Derain), Futurism (Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Umberto Boccioni), Gothic Art (Jacopo del Casentino, Lorenzo Monaco), Group Of Seven (Tom Thomson, Emily Carr et al.), Harlem Renaissance (Palmer Hayden,Jacob Lawrence), Hudson River School (Thomas Doughty, Francis A. Silva), Impressionism (Edouard Manet, Claude Monet), Magic Realism (Ivan Albright, George Tooker), Mannerism (Michelangelo Buonarroti, Parmigianino), Minimalism (Barnett Newman, Frank Stella), Nabis (Paul Ranson, Edouard Vuillard), Neoclassicism (Jean-Francois de Troy, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon), Neo-Plasticism (Piet Mondrian, Ilya Bolotowsky), Neue Sachlichkeit a.k.a. The New Objectivity (Otto Dix, Max Beckmann), Northern Renaissance (Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden), Op Art a.k.a. Optical Art (M.C. Escher, Josef Albers), Photorealism (John Kacere, James Torlakson), Pointillism (Camille Pissarro, Georges Seurat), Pop Art (Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein), Post-Impressionism (Paul Cezanne, Henri Rousseau), Precisionism (Charles Demuth, Ralston Crawford), Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (William Davis, James Campbell), Realism (Peter von Cornelius, Jean-Francois Millet), Renaissance, Early (Donatello, Sandro Botticelli), Renaissance, High (Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael), Renaissance, Northern (Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Bruegel), Rococo (Jean-Antoine Watteau, Francisco de Goya), Romanticism (Thomas Gainsborough, Gustave Dore), Social Realism (Frederick Walker, Jack Levine), Surrealism (Salvador Dali, René Magritte), Symbolism (George Frederic Watts, Edvard Munch), Ukiyo-e (Hishikawa Moronobu, Okumura Masanobu), Victorian Classicism (Sir Edward Poynter, Herbert Draper)

My Blog

call for ARTISTS

Call For Artists (Repost) THANKS JADE!!  X0 Body: ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Kendra Date: Oct 1, 2006 9:49 PM hi, here's the info for the ne...
Posted by multifacets~flux on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 08:32:00 PST

my life path is number 7

THE NUMBER SEVEN Article by H. P. Blavatsky A DEEP significance was attached to numbers in hoary antiquity. There was not a people with anything like philosophy, but gave great prominence to number...
Posted by multifacets~flux on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 04:52:00 PST

birthday calculator

from You entered: 9/11/1958 Your date of conception was on or about 19 December 1957 which was a Thursday. You were born on a Thursday under the astrolo...
Posted by multifacets~flux on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 07:02:00 PST

art vision ~

~~beauty i surmise through color, line, form and wonder of the suigeneris in the world~~ change is a necessary element to self discovery, moving through and releasing negativity and transmuting ones...
Posted by multifacets~flux on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 05:07:00 PST

what breed of dog am i??

Pug No bones about it, you're an intelligent, playful Pug. Witty and charming, you're a lot of dog wrapped in a small package. People just love you a wonderful approachability...
Posted by multifacets~flux on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 11:37:00 PST