I am a man with a wonderful family and a genuine sense of happiness. I believe in the power of music and energy to help affect positive change. I thoroughly believe that smiling at someone can change the way they approach their next endeavor, causing a chain of events that could lead to positive change. I believe in God as universal love and universal existence. I place my trust in God. I am a spiritual being. I believe in the interconnectedness of all life - therefore karma. I believe that we, as human beings, can succeed at ANYTHING that we set out to acheive and that beauty in its purest form is freedom love and equality.
As the picture above illustrates, I am a firm believer in our quantum reality. In my quest for understanding I have found that knowledge and love is universal, and that we need only to open ourselves in order to receive the many blessings that await. My life's work in promoting peace, understanding, and love, intertwined with my internal musical networking, has allowed me to visualize and understand the path of healing and betterment through sound and music. I have thus set out to become a Medicinal Musician; promoting the meditational, physiological, and intrinsic vibrational knowledge that has been taught through mankind for centuries.