I like to go to the movies and watch horror flicks. I like to spend time with my friends. I like to drive on long trips. I like to treat myself to a nice bath with scented candles and music every once and awhile instead of taking showers constantly. I want to cook for my family one day. I have before of course, but I want to cook a very large meal with different varieties of foods, deserts and wine. I want to make a differece in the art of food. I would like to spoil a man one day and pay for everything, because SOME men deserve it. I would like to be healthy and fit for the rest of my life.
I know that one day I'll meet Jesus Christ, so I won't list him. I would like to meet Martin Luther King Jr. and thank him so much for his effort to correct this society. Without him this nation would have more racism than it already has and I would'nt be where I am today.
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Like R&B the most. I love, love songs. I like Hip-hop. Rap is ok. Rock is ok. POP is okGet Your Own! | View Slideshow
Coming to America, Friday, Fun with Dick and Jane was hilarious.
Paula Dean!!!!!---Golden Girls, Will and Grace, Forensic Files, Spongebob, Ren and Stimpy, Chapelle Show and Almost any cartoon.
My mom! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MOM!!!---Hang in there!