My name is Kyle Anderson aka Kyle Ivy Jones. The nickname came from an important groupof Distibguished Gentlemen known only as "The Firm". I was introduced to the Providence Music Scene in 1993 by my Brother Neil. It has been a fascination ever scence. Bands like Timed Expired, State Of Corruption, Shootys Grove, Kilgore Smudge, The Blackstone Valley Crew and Stain...loaded up venues like the Living room, Lupos, Jarods, Baby Head the River and created an energy that I could never find again. Till Now. The emergence of a Band called Mastamindz is the band that will bring the Providence music scene back to greatness. There are others out there. It garages, and band spaces across the state. HOLLA.I am filming Mastminds first music video with a very high budget. I plan to air this video on public acces and get it as much exposure as possible. This is the kickoff. After this I hop to have a weekly show showcasing the tallent this city has!!!!! Lets bring providence back to greatness.