Don giulio Pizzicato profile picture

Don giulio Pizzicato

Humans instinctually seek for pleasure, but reality provides far more opportunities for experiencing

About Me

I'm Giulio. My work is about drawing "puppets" and watching movies.. In my life I travelled alot, and moved to many places. I was born in Lecce,lived there until I was 13 then went to Perugia met good people and left them to go to Florence at 17. Then I went to London in 2004. I'm still living here. I'm studying Illustration and working part-time in an Indipendent-non profit Cinema. I work my ass off and don't get any economical support from anyone. I'm stubborn and very keen on building my foundations on strong and valuable experiences... I usually need to bang my head into things before to realize what's beyond things. Pride it's one of my negative sides. My life is simple but happy. I don't care about money, all I care is being part of people, animals and

My Interests

Photography,Typography,illustration,Music and honest & productive rage!

I'd like to meet:

Jacqueline, everiday. Myself. Friends who died, my grandparents and my ancestors.


I listen to everything that has "the beat". I sing, play guitar, a bit of bass guitar, a bit of drums, harmonica. I like 50's rock 'n roll, Doowop, country, blues, jazz, metal,70's and 80's, funk, punk. I like music with style. I prefere simple music played with the heart rather than complex music with no soul.


I'm lucky I work in a cinema..


I chose not to have a TV.


I prefere documentaries or researching on the web but if I do I read about psycology, history, literature... I love everything that gives me a clue of what's behind things. It could be a book, a movie, a talk, a fight..


my mum & dad.

My Blog

Tutto il mio amore

La mia soddisfazione legata a testa nel vederti toccare il fondo,e ridere di te.Ma non si puo' desiderare maleper chi vive solo un bene apparente,e che in realtà ha sempre vissuto con la testa sottote...
Posted by Don giulio Pizzicato on Mon, 26 May 2008 06:31:00 PST

le parole che mancano

C'è chi non ha polmoni e quindi parla poco e c'è chi non ha parole perchè ha poco cuore.
Posted by Don giulio Pizzicato on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 06:11:00 PST

no colours for a faded soul

If only you're world could be sepia... ...only that way my girl you would be happy. 'cause your skin has no colours for smiles...
Posted by Don giulio Pizzicato on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 05:45:00 PST

Sono gli errori che a volte commettiamo...

A volte facciamo degli errori,magari verso qualcuno che ci sta vicino.Magari quel qualcuno non ci vuole perdonare,o magari siamo noi a non voler perdonare noi stessi.Ma magari non pensiamo che gli err...
Posted by Don giulio Pizzicato on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 02:59:00 PST

love who goes away is like a growing infection.

love who goes away is like a growing there any threatment doctor? can I do anything about it? 
Posted by Don giulio Pizzicato on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 10:54:00 PST

Una ninna nanna per una nonnina un po stanca.

Si nasce piccoli piccoli,si cresce grandi grandi e si va via piccoli piccoli piccoli.La vita è un cerchio dove niente comincia e niente finisce,Da bambini nasciamo dolci dolci e cresciamo lentamente a...
Posted by Don giulio Pizzicato on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 06:24:00 PST

I owe you all I have.

Today it was supposed to be my little grandmother's birthday.I miss her so much. The little woman with the power of two compined people.My grandmother had always the passion on her side.One of those o...
Posted by Don giulio Pizzicato on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 08:05:00 PST

Io non conosco l’amore ed ecco perchè amo.

Se c'è una donna capace di rubarmi tutte le energie,è una donna che io porto nel cuore.Che il cuore respinge con lacrime salate di un amore per l'odio.Passano ore, notti, mesi.Penso alla tristezza che...
Posted by Don giulio Pizzicato on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 08:14:00 PST

Io sono un uomo fatto di polvere.

Io sono un uomo fatto di polvere,fatto di tanti sentimenti-sedimenti solidificati dal tempo.C'è gente che coi suoi occhi mi grida che son fragile,ma fragili sono i rapporti tra la gente.Conoscersi, am...
Posted by Don giulio Pizzicato on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 07:51:00 PST

To Giammaria Pisanò, a FRIEND of mine.

Hey Giamma, svegliati per dio..Yesterday I was talking about friends, about those I lost and those who passed away.Giammaria is a friend of mine. We know since we were 5. We've been in the same school...
Posted by Don giulio Pizzicato on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 04:52:00 PST