Whats up to all those that are among those that I call friends. Most of you know me pretty well but for those of
you who don't allow me to sum myself up. I'm married to a great girl who has put up with a lot of my shit over the past 10 years. She supports me in every aspect and I would probably be lost without her around. I love you Sarah. Together we managed to create one kick ass kid. He is two years old and completely out of control. Ask anyone who has been around him. I cant have a bad day when he is around. I've been in the Air Force for five years. I've been around the world at least once. I've literally dodged death in Guam and I provided instruments of destruction in Diego Garcia. I remained ready to take the fight north to the Chonger and his North Korean X-men while stationed at Osan. I've seen and done some crazy shit on all Uncle Sams tab. Along the way I have met some kick ass, stand up individuals who will remain friends forever. IYAAYAS!!............