231 years ago 60 percent of our people supported king George the third, who did not start reading until his eleventh year on this planet. The other 40 percent turned to George Washington. 231 years ago...three times the age of my father plus 6 years. That's yesterday folks! Those 60 percent are still alive and well in spirit and still voting the same. Our choices of today were, most likely, our choices of yesterday. We are our fathers and mothers made over and the battle between redcoats and patriots continues. Conservative (averse to change and holding traditional values) or liberal (willing to respect and accept behavior or opinions different from one's own). Noone looks in the mirror and says "I'm one of the bad guys" but if you support hurting innocent people in any way, your not one of the good guys. Love, respect, forgiveness and understanding is good. Murder, theft and deceit is bad. Got it? I hope so.