latin layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments ismap="ismap" /> What up everybody! Welcome to my page and thanks for coming to see about me. I'm from Jacksonville, FL, AKA DUUUUUVVVVAAALLLL! I thank God everyday for blessing me with life, health and strength, and pray that one day I will get to see him face to face. I'm an entreprenuer in the Jacksonville area and promote a business called YTB Travel. It has truly been a blessing to me and it is flat out helping people make their dreams come true. If you ever travel check out my website,, and book anything from airline tickets to car rentals, to cruises....pretty much whatever you need. And always remember, you need a plan B, so don't just get caught up in doing one thing! Always remember, keep GOD first, and he will do whatever you need him to do! Be blessed!br>