Bloody Sunday is a Christian Hardcore band, Christian because of OUR beliefs. Our goal just like every other hardcore band in the world is to spread our message. We do not believe in forcing our beliefs down peoples throats, we just want to get our message out. If you agree with us cool, if not cool. We are not playing hardcore to be some big rockstar band. We got into the hardcore scene because we did not fit in with mainstream culture, hardcore to us was our escape from the crap we had to deal with in our regular lives, a place where we fit in... with the outsiders. Bloody Sunday was formed completely in August of 2003 since then we released our debut record on Strike First records called "They Attack At Dawn", toured the entire United States 7 Times, done countless weekends up the northeast, and down south, and toured Puerto Rico. After a few set backs we entered big blue meanie studios in jersey city to record our follow up record "To Sentence the Dead" minus our singer Keith who had to leave the band, Chris stepped up and did a great job with two weeks notice we then hit the road again. After a couple tours falling through and what seemed like set back after setback the band took a couple months off to regroup. Keith expressed an intrest in coming back to the band and we decided that it hadn't been the same without him so now here we are back together again with our original lineup... We are extremely excited to be back fully together, and can't wait to see what God has for us next. We are currently writing a new record that will deal with a lot of different things, some we have touched on in the past, but some that we have not. Many people think that to be a Christian you have to fit into some ned flanders cookie cutter, and that you share all the same opinions as Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, The Republican Party, and Rush Limbaugh. They also think that Christians should be even tempered and never get mad about anything, and the only political voices you ever see Christians having other than the afformentioned few above, are protesting abortion clinics, and gay pride parades. Not all Christians fit that mold, in fact we do not (but that's ok because neither did John the Baptist who lived in the wilderness eating bugs, or Paul the murderer or Mathew the Tax Collector). We are a band dedicated to Jesus Christ. This record will not be a powder puff record talking about safe things that youth groups want to sing along to, this will not be a fast heavier version of a mercy me record. This new material is us... for better or worse.
-Erwin Raphael McManus
Author/Pastor Mosaic Church
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please support thses dudes they are some of the best guys out there!!!!