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?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? Map ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? Cursing ain't cool: ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?You are welcomed.. i hope you learn something and teach me something new as well.......There is a difference from this pyramid and the one on the dollar.. the top peice (corner stone) points to GOd, but also is the top stone is to God's existence in our life... Our dollar was does not have a corner stone, but an all seeing eye that is watching all it citizens... and not God watching over.... The government takes the place of God as our "Over Seeyer." Many people Masons are the founder of our country, who performed perverted rituals and a bond for their own world order... Funded by the King George of Britain. They wear the eye.. look at George Washington's apron.. this is just the beginning of the this topic.. you find the rest... i found it...I'm cool Just chill'n Nothing much Love my family.I pray that my sister returns from Iraq safely.My prayers were answered. My sister has returned and all is well.I have learned that the truth does not set you free, but becomes a burden when others around do not know the truth. People judge what they don't understand. We must be careful because what and how we judge, because we will be judged the same way. THe truth is heavy and is a weight on the shoulders of those try to enlighten others.Faith through prayer will set us free. The relationship that is established with God will guide and save us...I speak of spiritual things because we are spiritual beings passing through this plane of existence until we are released into our pure state of being.......... and go where we have focused our energy, God or Hell. We are saved through Yahshua's blood we are saved.To make a change in this world we need to help others that are in need and open our home. If we want a change, we must change the world from the inside out and help the children who do not have the correct fatherly influence. Work on the matters of the heart is where the revolution is at. ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? I want to share with you a life changing experience. I did a mission trip to Africa with St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church... It's one thing to go to Africa, it's another to worship with Africans. I did get a chance to meet an African king of Osun, Nigeria. His name is Oba Emmanuel Oyeloso Oyebamija Fadare II. We went to his palace which is the Olupo's Palace in Oluponna. I am sitting next to him on the floor in one of the photo's. We Were blessed because not everyone gets to meet a chief/king when they roll into town. God blessed the Hope Team from St. Paul's Missionary Baptist Church. This king was a man of God. It is important for leaders to love and fear God. They will get their guidance from God. A good leader is a good follower. Everyone can stand on God which is the truth, but all other thinking, theology and evolution, and philosophy, are only sinking sand. God is always consistent and not wavering like the tides of the ocean or man's philosophy or ways of the time. ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?
.. ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? Thank you for taking the time to share my experienceGod's people in Africa and other countries that are less affluent seem to be more at peace with God and each other than we are here. They tend to love God and are willing to give YAWEH what ever they have even when they have little. Nigeria is a blessed place... I am glad that God spoke to me there and gave me His love to share with others... ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? AFRICAN WORSHIP IN THE RAW
Get this video and more at ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? Use what has been blessed for greater good, GOD's work.... When we don't react out of love, we continue to generate that same sick virus that poisons our kingdom that we try to build in the name of God. But God uses all things for His good. We need to give thanks and honor his name, YAHWEH, EL ELYON, EL SADDAY, EL OLAM, EL BETEL, ELOHIM, GOD every day. Read Hebrews 11 to understand what I'm talking about ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? I met a cool African brotha who loves GOd and is educated in London as well as in Nigeria. He has a message for you... Etotayo Olebodo.....
Get this video and more at ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?We also got a chance to see a slave port Badagry, Nigeria and on Likki Beach... This was a place that showed the process of how they broke slaves and then shipped them off in the Atlantic to reach the Americas.... this was very touching and spiritual for me.. People may get mad at me for what I'm about to say... BUT we have to focus on now and put the past behind us so that it does not tangle us up when we are trying to step forward... NEVER FORGET... ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?
.. ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?

My Interests

I like to chill and enjoy life and have an open channel to see what's God's will is.......I like to help others and let God use me to do His work. People often take meekness for weakness... Don't be that Fool...

I'd like to meet:

YAHWEH His son = Yahshua = Jesus = Holy Spirit

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.. â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™  â™ I would like to meet people who are on a spiritual journey to seek God's face. I am not about the Hypee movement... What's up wit being cool acting dumb and stupid? That is not what's up... wuts up with purchasing expensive items and not paying bills, get a house, education, and other progressive life changing investments.There is a balance in life and many people don't have it in them: MIND --Body --Soul -- With out that balance there... Balance will not be here amoungst the people...

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Sam Cook -----------------------------------------------------------P oetry, Studying the Bible, helping others, teaching students, Living life stress free, good conversations, friendships.... PHYSICAL WAVE LENGTHS IN THE FORM OF SOUND THAT GIVE VIBRATIONS THAT INCREASE SPIRITUAL ENHANCEMENT... =========================================================== Bob Marley: REDEMPTION SONG

Add to My Profile | More Videos =========================================================== Marvin Gaye - What's Going On? (rUmPeLsTiLtSkIn)

Add to My Profile | More Videos =========================================================== Bob Marley War guns and plitoics

Add to My Profile | More Videos ============================================================ ========================================================== BUILD YOUR KINGDOM IN HEAVEN AND YOU WILL HAVE IT HERE ON EARTH WILL GET YOUR REWARDS FOR YOUR WORKS. ALWAYS YAHWEH.....DEAR HEAVENLY FATHER. THY KINGDOM COME THY WILL BE DONE IN HEAVEN AND EARTH....Heaven is here when spiritual values and riches are sought after here to build the Kingdom of Yah=Jah=Jahovah=YAHWEH. The perfect model was Yahshua (Hebrew for Jesus). In turn all we will have heaven here amongst our people.Yahshua (Jah's son in the flesh) WILL come and take away everything and make every one feel high.But that does not mean we sit back and be passive and let things go. We are to stand up and free the oppressed, feed the hungry, cloth the naked, shelter the homeless, and educate the ig-no-rant people.This is not a time to be passive, be active in your community and check the little ones when they are away from home in the street. It takes a community to raise our youth, our future.Get up!!!! Stand up!!!! Stand up for your rights!!!!


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----------------------------------------------------------- The media has infiltrated our homes and puts spiritual sounds and images in our homes for our youth and ourselves. We are constantly being bombarded with this spiritual attacks that are to fool us. ----------------------------------------------------------- The philosophy of this world is not something we need to fallow, but we are to the word of God. Commercials try to get us to feed this machine of capitalism. We feed this machine by working to pay off things we bought. We become bonded to them in bondage. The items we buy get taxed and when each tax is paid the machine gets bigger and stronger and spreads its tentacles out to other countries and people who can't defend themselves. STOP THE DIAMOND MINES! ---------------------------------------------------------- We can, for we are in the belly of the beast. From the inside out with education and community we can make our change. The guinea worm is a perfect example of how a small thing can grow in the belly and then take over its host. -------------------------------------------------------- We need to help those who can't help themselves. The media desensitizes our moral and ethical values. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- HOMEWORKWatch TV and see how many commercials degrade family values, spiritual values, and moral ethics to give you a sense that this product is what you need in your life. This product will complete you. --------------------------------------------------------- They even try to get you to poison yourself by marketing food chains that have unhealthy genetically adulterated food. The owners would not eat their own food. This is why we have such a high rate of cancer in our society. You will not find a McDonalds in the Hamptons, but travel a little further to the minorities,,, you can get all the cancer you want to eat with liquor.----------------------------------------------------- ------- Raw does mean uncooked, unfinished, undeveloped (Chambers Dictionary of Etymology).When I hear raw, I hear RA... The Egyptian sun god... From the sun we get all life. I don't believe in RA, but the Egyptians have a good point that English has failed to see. Raw is fresh fruits and vegetables that come from the ground in its finished, complete state, and its uncooked.Don't get me wrong, I do eat me some chicken, but there is a balance...

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Balanced between alkaloids and acids. Meet is very acidic and will decay in you system for many of years. Unbalances cause issues in all things. God is a God of order not chaos.HOMEWORKTake a piece of pork and put it in 7 Up for a while and you should see the worms come out of it after a while.Back to Television------- ===========================================================I AM FROM THE OLD SCHOOL... KOBE MADE ME LOOSE THE LOVE FOR THE LAKERS.... REMEMBER THE MAGIC...==================================================== =======


Bible, Book of Etymology, Beyond the Throne, the Book of Enoch the Forgotten Prophet...The scripture are the back bone to every thought and concept that I make here on earth as I do my research and grow to see God in people and Him in my life. The scriptures are the "reference point to my schematical reference structure of my human and spiritual existence." Afromations/D.Hunter


PimpMySpace PhatPimpClothing.comIf one focuses thier mind in prayer and channel their energy to God, He will give you the strength to accomplish many feats.... ........The mind is a terrible thing to waste...It's your finger print to your existence here affecting lives...Your mind can change worlds... ..........We all have the power in us to seek God's power....Trust not in your own DNA and abilities... Look to the heavens and prayfor God is controlling all the stars and galaxies...some people want to live their life with no regard to thier soul... Don't want to submit to a higher source... I have done my research and have had my experiences to solidify my faith... Do you have wut it takes to look at yourself and face yourself and see who you are as a Spirit/Soul and attempt to better it? It's up to you... You decide to wake up... I have....You can stay plugged in this world of illusions....Whose/What is controlling you?...................................Where a man stores his treasure, you'll find his heart

My Blog

Bible study Romans 1:18-32

Bible Study of Romans ROMANS 1:18-32 1: 18. The wrath of God will be on ungoddliness, unrighteousness, suppression of righteousness 19. What is known about God is evident and revealed to people 20. Ev...
Posted by Afromations on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 08:18:00 PST

This is who God is....

1 John 4 Test the Spirits     1Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the worl...
Posted by Afromations on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 06:33:00 PST

Are you doing God's WIll to recieve Jah's blessings?

Here is a break down of a lesson that I am studying and leading in a group Bible study. I am not perfect so please save all negative criticism. If you have something to add that is cool. The break dow...
Posted by Afromations on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 12:04:00 PST

God's Will

      HIS Will's Journey     Afromations   D. Hunter   God has His plans for when ever or what ever He plans. So, my walk is of footsteps that take a course of patte...
Posted by Afromations on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 03:15:00 PST