Custom cars and hot rods, lowbrow art, auto racing, surfing, and making fun of people...including myself.
Punk, country, and rawk.
Pulp Fiction, American Beauty, Fight Club, Turk 182, The Salton Sea, Dumb and Dumber, Old School, Endless Summer, Wedding Crashers, Office Space, Goonies, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Napoleon Dynamite, Dogtown and Z Boys...
CSI (Vegas), Cold Case, House, Shark, Rob & Big, auto racing, random programs on TLC, Discovery Channel, and yes...the ultra masculine HGTV.
...only if they have pictures.
Evel Knievel, the racing gods, Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, Gene Winfield, Sam Barris, Indian Larry, MiltonGlaser, Paul Rand, Saul Bass, Rick Griffin, Joel Tudor, Warhol, Keith Haring, heart surgeons, those who pave artistic roads, and school teachers who do not touch their students inapropriately.