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Course hairs leave my neck to be fear'd

About Me

Survey About Me
Name: Grant
Nickname: dont have any
Date of birth: 1/8/84
Place of birth: Rochester, MN
Current location: at the computer desk i built yesterday
Eye colour: greenish blue
Hair colour: Brown
Build: more than average
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: glasses
Are you right or left handed?: right
Do you have any siblings?: yes... two sisters and a brother
Do you live with your parents?: my mom, yes
Movie?: Fight club
TV show?: don't have a favorite
Singer/Band?: Lacey Mosley/ flyleaf
Song?: i could never pick just one
Actor/Actress?: Matt Damon
Food?: cold fried rice
Number?: 37
Soapy?: The city, because i saw the first and the last episode
Cartoon character?: Shrek
Colour?: Red
Sport?: Hockey C-A-P-S CAPS CAPS CAPS
Quote?: "Its only after we've lost everything, that we are free to do anything"
Memory?: walking in the snow in sykesville
Dream?: the one i had the other day was sick
Place to relax?: my bed in the dark with the light coming through the window
Hero?: dont have any
Book?: Of mice and men
Drink?: Water
Music or TV?: Music
Guys or girls?: Girls
Green or blue?: Green
Pink or purple?: Purple
Summer or winter?: Winter
Night or day?: Night
Dopey or funny?: Both
Diamond or pearl?: Pearl
Sunset or sunrise?: sunrise
Funny or scary movies?: Funny
On the phone or in person?: In person
Hugs or kisses?: Hugs
Rich or famous?: Neither
McDonalds or KFC?: Wendys
Single or group dates?: Single
Chocolate or vanilla?: Vanilla
Cappaccino or coffee?: Coffee
Who are the four people you are most open with?: to have four, id have to have one
Are you/have you ever been in love?: yes, i have
If so, what was/is so special about them?: their perserverance
Do you think it is right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: depends on the intent
How far would you go on a first date?: depends
Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: England
Describe the type of person you would want to spend the rest of your life with: someone who understands my insanity
When was the last time you talked to the person you like?: few days ago
What are the qualities you find most attractive in the opposite sex?: its the whole package
What is the song you are listening to right now?: ghostflowers- Otep
What is the next CD you are going to get?: dont know
Which song reflects you the most?: bleeding me, Metallica
If you were on Australian Idol, which song would you pick to sing and why?: whitney houston, so they kick me off
If you had your own band, what name would you give it?: a cool name
Met Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny?: Santa Claus
Gone skinny dipping?: yes
Danced in a public place?: yes
Smiled for no reason?: all the time
Laughed so hard you cried and/or peed your pants?: yes and yes
Written a song?: yes
Made out in a movie theatre?: dont go to movies
Lied when someone asked you "Do I look ok in this?": yes
Lied to make someone happy?: yes
Threatened someone?: yes
Been threatened by someone?: yes
I am...: hoping for the best
My heart is...: waiting
If I were a...: fox executive... id quit... how can an entire channel jump the shark?
I wish...: i had some frito's
So many people don't know that...: i dont like them
If I could be anyone I would be...: me 20 years ago
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be...: create a maximum wage
Control weather or read minds?: i can already read minds, so weather
Be good or evil?: good
Be invisible or have super speed?: invisible
Have super strength or flight?: flight
What was the last thing you cried about?: not getting my way
Are you happy?: now i am
What is something you can't live without?: my blanket
When was the last time you were depressed?: yesterday
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: dont have any
Are you an alcoholic?: sorta
Do you have any piercings?: not now
What are the last four digits of your phone number?: none of your business
What is your weakness?: people pleasing
What is your greatest fear?: dying alone
What makes you happy?: friends
What would be your perfect pizza?: free
What was the best advice given to you?: shut up
Have you got any special awards?: nope
What are your future goals?: be productive
Do you have any enemies?: yeah
What are the three words you would use to describe yourself?: quiet,
Describe your perfect life: quiet and with "her"
If you had three wishes, what would they be?: frito's, halo 3, three more wishes
What are your first thoughts when you wake up in the morning?: not again
What is your most embarrassing moment?: throwing up in kindergarden
What is your most overused phrase on MSN?: lol
What is your best physical feature?: tounge or eyes
What is your most missed memory?: coming home from school to a empty house
Do you smoke?: yes
Do you sing?: only when im aione
Do you swear?: yeah
Have you ever been drunk?: too many times to remember
How would you want to die?: never thought about it
What do you want to be when you grow up?: that will never happen
What is your biggest regret?: not trying hard enough
Are you shy?: painfully
Are you selfish?: sometimes
Are you spoiled?: could be
Would you walk by an old lady carrying groceries?: i have
Do you get into arguments with people other than your siblings?: yes
Do you believe in magic?: yeah
Have you ever skipped classes?: hehe... yes
Was highschool your best or worst years?: both
What was the reason(s) for that?: hardly there
What was the last thing you ate?: pizza
If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on?: probaly give it away... too much responsiblity
Where would you go if you had the chance to go anywhere in the world?: England
Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning?: sometimes
What do you have handy at your bedside?: nothing really
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would you have with you?: my blanket
What is the most annoying TV commercial to you?: ovaltine
What do you think about before you go to bed?: back in the day
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I'd like to meet:

dont need to say... the microwaves tell them where i am and they come



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Fight Club - Brad Pitt - Edward Norton

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Reading Ron & Reno 911! 'Rescue A Cat'

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My Blog


If im in a car race, there is one thing that i would make sure to have enough of... gas. no, that is not that beginning to a fart joke... As i watched the race yesterday... i was so happy that 2...
Posted by Yo-yo on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 10:21:00 PST

look at me in my brand new eye

Just to let the ones that care enough to read this... I moved to michigan... about two weeks ago. I'm living with Jess(my number one, and half of my number two). in about 2 more weeks, we will be movi...
Posted by Yo-yo on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 02:44:00 PST


the other day, i was having my weekly meeting with Willy(but you less worthy people know him as Mr. Bill Gates) I started the meal off with a light salad and willy had clam chowder. Our conversation ...
Posted by Yo-yo on Sun, 06 May 2007 09:42:00 PST