I am working on a degree in communications. I will someday be a journalist. I want to write for a paper. I love to play hockey. I am on the Icecats. We are BYU's team. I like to play as much hockey as possible, anywhere I can. I like to lift weights and run sprints. Sorry, I like the way I play hockey if I do those things. I love to rollerblade. No pussy rollerhockey, straight up aggressive. I like to skate transitions, but handrails can be fun. I love to watch movies and do other things like that. I'm married now, so you can imagine what fills up most of my time.........sleeping. I'm very tired.
Jack Hammer
People Iced: Twenty Seven
Car Bombs Planted: Nineteen
Favorite Weapon Rusty Chain
Arms Broken: Twenty Eight
Eyes Gouged: Twenty Seven
Tongues Cut Off: Nine
Biggest Enemy: Fat Tony
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I am really interested in meeting people I already know............... -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
What type of hockey player are you?
You just don't care, you will punish your opponent untill they can not move. You have no problem throwing down the gloves. You will push a guy through the glass, you will shove him into the ice. Your only mission is to inflict as much pain on your enemy as possible.
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I like hip hop and rock. |As long as it is quality stuff, I can enjoy it.
Fight Club and Slapshot..........Miracle if I feel sappy.
Is there a hockey game on, no......... screw it then.
I hear they are quite fascinating........ But who has the time.
My hero is Jesus Christ. He is my savior and king.