Hello. I am a Nintendo Paladin (sacred knight). I never have nor will I ever own any system not approved by Nintendo. Aside from that, I have been called a wolf-freak. I'm not that much of a freak, I just think wolves are as awesome as the Pacific Ocean is large. I'm one of those people you see in Anime making silly poses in front of a flashy background proclaiming JUSTICE!! I'm one of the world's biggest fans of Mobile Fighter G Gundam. It's true. Get down, rabid Duo Maxwell fangirls! I said G, not Wing! I LOVE to play video games, as you may have already guessed. I have been playing since I was four years old. I still have my NES and 90 (not an exaggeration) games for it. I play it religiously. I also have SNES, which I also play religiously and I have had since I was seven years of age. I have for that system 46 games. I have an N64, but only 6 games for it. My Gamecube collection is 15 games strong. My favorite genre has always been that rare blend of action and RPG found in such titles as Secret of Mana, Zelda 2, and River City Ransom, just to name a few. Another favorite of mine would have to be fighting games. Oh, Lord, I love them fightin' games. Capcom Vs. SNK 2 EO is almost absolutely perfect. I have it. Go Iori! Go Kim! Go Ken! Go Chang! Go Zangief! Go Benimaru! *Looks at what he has written* OH, GOD!! I'M SUCH A GEEK!!!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Somebody who is never at home and has a fully-stocked fridge, so I can go over and steal food. I'm not really looking for anybody right now.
My Blog
Well, here I am.
Uh...Yeah. Posted by on Fri, 17 Dec 2004 17:01:00 GMT