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About Me

I love people who subscribe to my blog. ..

My Interests

Read at coffeeshops, go to concerts and performances, play Zelda, write an interactive fiction, walk around the Emerald City, shop, socialize. I enjoy learning and creating.


The Birthday Massacre, The Secret Meeting, Conjure One, Collide, VNV Nation, Sophie B. Hawkins, :wumpscut:, Tori Amos, E Nomine, some Celtic, some dance


The Sixth Sense, Minority Report, Ronin, Vampire Hunter D, Stargate, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Contact, Sleepless in Seattle, On Guard, Groundhog Day


Fantasy & sci-fi typically. George R. R. Martin; Storm Constatine's Sea Dragon Heir and Wraeththu series. Ursula K. LeGuin is another favorite author. Some of Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Terry Pratchett. Real-world science news. Currently reading Frank Herbert's Dune and Tolkien's trilogy (for the first time).


Only the made-up ones in my head. I like creating worlds and stories for them. When I grow up, I want to be just like me. I'm silly that way.

My Blog

A Monday Morning

Life's been getting -so- much better lately. My car hates me. Last Thursday I had a flat tire. My car said, "Oh poor me, look at me, I can't move. We can't go home, so I can't watch you park me and...
Posted by Ron on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 09:51:00 PST

Sailing, Parading, and the End of Summer

It's a rainy Sunday afternoon here in Seattle. A light wind depresses the temperature to a nose-sniffling 67 degrees. The streets here, in the hip Capitol Hill area near downtown, are virtually devo...
Posted by Ron on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 06:43:00 PST

Another weekend, another pair of cities

Now that I have my passport and am officially an international traveller, I have come to realize I don't much care for travelling, except possibly by train. Compared to boats and airplanes, trains ha...
Posted by Ron on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 08:22:00 PST

A poem, found, for the anniversary.

SkylineWhen my father died, it was like the towers coming down.One day there he was where you always could find him,anchored in rock, solid as structural steel even thoughhe'd learned to sway and bend...
Posted by Ron on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:32:00 PST

Mr. Ron Goes to Washington

I've just had a quick vacation to the Washington D.C. / Baltimore area, to visit a childhood friend on his military base. And you know what, it seems his mother had the same idea. I probably should'...
Posted by Ron on Wed, 30 May 2007 12:05:00 PST

How Stuff Works: the Horror Movie

All I remember of January is playing Zelda: Twilight Princess. And critiquing it, because of all the game design background information I have.All I remember of February is reading books on the craft...
Posted by Ron on Thu, 03 May 2007 08:05:00 PST

When Evil Mutant Bunnies Attack... use a toilet plunger!

Books and games have been my mainstay this past month. I've been awed by the beautiful vistas of Zelda: Twilight Princess, sweated through many hours straight of fighting in Marvel vs Capcom (which N...
Posted by Ron on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 06:06:00 PST

Have a Super Secular Holiday

So I spent Turkey Day with the Seattle Atheists. They're an official organization who do charity work and community service in an effort to improve the negative connotations of the word Atheist. (A ...
Posted by Ron on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 07:52:00 PST

I love you, October

October has been good to me.I spent a quiet weekend after those concerts, and caught a midnight showing of Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride. It wasn't bad at all, but could've been better. It kept remi...
Posted by Ron on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:55:00 PST

A hippie's just a watered-down gypsy.

It's been a life-expanding three weeks.Andy has moved out to start his new life in another city, leaving me bereft of my dear friend, my work car-pooler, my get-yer-ass-outta-bed-we're-gonna-be-late-f...
Posted by Ron on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 09:20:00 PST