Holly profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

About You..
name Holly
age 16
eye color blue
hair color brown
height 5'6
sex female
grade 11
school South
shoe size 7.5
righty or lefty right
Right Now..
wearing running clothes
drinking water
eating nothing...already ate
watching nothing
listening to shakira
talking to no one at the moment
color blue and pink
resturant Chili's
fast food Sonic's
song Cascada- Everytime we touch
movie Forrest Gump
book how bout a magazine
drink sweet tea and water
sport cross country!!
tv show LOST, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy
actor/actress hard to pick
ice cream mint chocolate chip
month August
store Hollister
Have You Ever..
stolen anything no
been sky diving no, but i really want to
been arrested no
fallen asleep in school yea
lied yea
saved emails or ims no
been rejected no
been skinny dipping no
tped someones house no
done something that you regret YES!
hooked up with a friend yea
cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend no
had a boyfriend/girlfriend cheat on you no
had someone close to you die no
wanted to be somebody else yea
broken someones heart yea
Do You...
have a boyfriend/girlfriend no
smoke no
drink no
sleep in class no
study yea
speak another language kinda
straighten your hair no..i wish it would do something tho
wear makeup yea
wear glasses/contacts no
dye your hair no
shower daily of course...not a day goes by
talk on the phone alot sometimes
get online alot umm..i guess
like to draw if doodling counts
like to take pictures yea!
have a website no
use drugs no
Last Person You..
talked to Jinnie
talked on the phone to my mom
called my bro
called you well i just got my phone back
hugged (outside of family) someone
wanted to see prolly shouldn't say
yelled at idk
talked to online Katherine
kissed (outside of family) ........
Which One..
black or white white
rock or rap rap
tv or movies movies!
go out or stay in both
harry potter or lord of the rings harry potter
beach or mountians beach
car or airplane car
straight or curly (hair) straight
manicure or pedicure pedicure
horror movie or chick flick chick flick unless someones there to hold my hand
You Know You're From North Carolina When...
You've gotten used to the smell of cow manure on a car trip to Raleigh.Saying "y'all" isn't just a cute expression; it actually means something.There are big labrador retrievers in the back of every truck.You give directions using KFC and Waffle House as landmarks.You still see Dale Earndheart tributes on cars.You can't imagine life without Bojangles' sweet tea Your annual church fundraiser always deals with bbq and potato saladYou have a sunburn from May to OctoberYour 'heavy winter clothing' consists of some turtleneck sweaters, a fuzzy jacket, and your daddy's bootsYour family has fried chicken once a weekYou can tell the difference between cotton fields and tobacco fields while drivingOne of your neighbors has a confederate flag hanging on their front porchThose "damn yankees" are taking over your school/church/workplace/neighborhood...You've been "properly raised", and yankees love it when they hear you say "ma'am" and "sir"You get your carbs from biscuits, rolls, pancakes, and gritsYou know the difference between a "redneck" and a "hick".You own at least one surf shop or seafood restaurant shirts.No matter what those people in ohio say, we are still "first in flight"The Coca-Cola 600 is as big as the Super BowlYou prefer Chick-fil-a to KFCYou know pastry is a chicken stew, not a dessert item.Every time you visit someone you?re offered something to eat and a glass of tea.Your granddaddy always wore overalls and your grandma always wore an apron.In summer you have home-grown tomatoes with every meal.When it rains and the creek rises, everyone gathers to see how high it rose.You know that "chunk" the ball means to throw it.You've had a burger "all the way" - chili and slaw on it.You can recognize a copperhead and your heart drops when you see one.You have at least one relative that raises collards. Your folks have taken trips to the mountains to look at leaves.Your school classes were cancelled because of a hurricane.You know Krispy Kreme makes the best doughnut.You have an opinion about UNC. You went there and loved it, or you hate everyone who did.You know the best BBQ is found in LexingtonYou would rather eat at Bojangles's than McDonald'sYou have actually uttered the phrase "It's too hot to go to the pool"You faithfully drink Pepsi or Mt. Dew everyday of your life.You have your own secret bbq sauce.You or your neighbors have more hunting dogs than you have family members.You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from North Carolina.
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