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About Me

Good morning/afternoon/evening............I'm Iain, or Iago to some. I'm twenty years old.Message me, I don't tend to reply to comments.I'm not a bad person....then again I'm not a good person either.....kinda stuck in between.Going to uni to study Law in September, should be good! :DI always tell the truth. Always. Sometimes gets me in a bit of trouble but all in the name of honesty.There's a few people that mean a lot to me and I do the best I can for them, however, I don't have much time for the vast majority of people.I'm a curious person and like to learn as much as I can. In my view, in this world we can only go as far as we allow ourself to go, and as such gaining more knowledge than those around us allows as to keep ahead of the competition. I think we should all look for a goal in life which is challenging yet achievable and put all of our efforts into achieving it. Don't give up, perseverance can get you far in life afterall. There's no such thing as destiny, the challenges you face in life and the hurdles you overcome are what shape your future.I have a vivid interest in the law, afterall, it is the very foundation upon which the modern world is based. It has existed in some capacity or another for thousands of years, and it is the one true constant which always adapts to modern times.Anyway if you want, feel free to leave a message sometime or something.If you ever wanna talk on an IM, add my msn: [email protected]

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Frank Costello, John Gotti, George Orwell.

My Blog


How to make a IainIngredients: 1 part Power 1 part Money 3 parts instinctMethod:Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Serve with a slice of reality and a pinch of if your French shut your mouth. Yum!...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 13:37:00 GMT

Random Rant

Have you ever wondered why half the people you know are so pathetic? Have you ever wondered why they spend so much time trying to impress each other by engaging in pathetic activities and making fooli...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 07:18:00 GMT