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But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed

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Pearl Harbor trailer
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Im from Massachusetts the best state in the freakin Union. Big Redsox fan Pats and Bruins . "At the end of their rule, when their sin is at its height, a fierce king, a master of intrigue, will rise to power. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause a shocking amount of destruction and succeed in everything he does. He will destroy powerful leaders and devastate the holy people. He will be a master of deception, defeating many by catching them off guard. Without warning he will destroy them. He will even take on the Prince of princes in battle, but he will be broken, though not by human power.” Daniel 8:23-25 (NLT)
Iced Earth - When The Eagle Cries

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Itzhak Perlman - Remebrances (Passion Of The Christ)

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My Interests

Red sox nation, sports, bowling, working out, history

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Heavy Metal, Megadeth is the best . Machine Head,Shadowsfall,COC,Soulfly,Sepultura,As I lay dying..


Star Wars, action, comedy, adventure flicks..


..Family guy,Ghost hunters,WWE,History channel, the Dead Zone, Supernatural


..Lord of the rings left behind series star wars


..King of kings, Lord of lords, Jesus Christ