i dig music
i like going to shows...
i love my family,they are amazing. i love my friends.they are super.
but most of all i love my Saviour jesus christ.. i dont say that lightly, he is my saviour and i love him with all i have
and then den is my where my posse chills!
i like to bomb hills on my zero "brockman" fatty,
i dig tatts and piercings and being a genral badass!my mum doesnt
i HATE thats its acceptable these days for young people to cut themselves, to hate on themsleves and hate on everything around them!
it may sound corny but i dont care, why cant everybody LOVE more
there dosnt need to be so much PAIN, if more people smiled the world could be a very diffrent place.
i friggn love kinder suprises!
i collect living dead dolls, tattoo art and have a vampire hanging from the light in my room. people find it creepy, i rekon it looks sweet