I'm interested in quite a few things. Politics, relegion (or absence therof), the future, art. There's plenty to talk about and plenty to do.
Someone that cares.
There's always something to enjoy from each genre of music. While I do favour certain ones over others, I am certainly open to hearing new things - goodness knows I'm out of the loop.
I do love the cinema, its all cinematic and acty and hurray-like. Again, I'm going to say that I am of a diverse nature in concerning my likes of movies, although I will say that I just can't handle generic action movies that have retarded plots (XXX anyone? No? Sorry Vinny) otherwise I'm set. I try and ammass my favourites into a DVD collection. Perhaps you'd like to see list of favourites: Crash, Steve Zissu in Life Aquatic, Munich, The Last Samurai, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Star Trek (anyone), Rent (so sue me), Downfall (German movie about the last days of WWII in Hitler's bunker), He Loves Me Not (French movie about a skitzo lover), Run Lola Run (german again, with three endings!), The Red Violin, The 4 Year-Old Virgin, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, Donnie Darko (lets see you have a jet engine fall into your room), American Pshyco (No can do, 'got an 8:30 res' at Dorcia!), Requiem for a Dream (never ever let your arm go without treatment for that long, coke is okay though d:) I wonder why so many of my favourites I thought of lower down. Hrmm...oh yeah as I've probably mentionsed before I may movies too, cartoon movies, you can check one out below.mspmb enableJavascript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never" src="http://www.geocities.com/benfischl/LineSymphony.swf" height="225" width="250" play="true/false" loop="true/false" quality="best/high/medium/low" ..(Line Symphony, Ben Fischl (a.k.a. myself)
The television, one of mankind's most popular mediums of entertainment. Nothing can bring more joy to a youngsters face than his favourite Saturday morning cartoon show or to an obese middle-adged man than the latest Back Door Sluts pay-per-veiw. I like a number of programmes, I absolutely LOVE European TV: EuroSport, EuroNews, CNN International, BBC World, SkyNews, MTV 2 - POP, MTV.DE so great these channels are so wonderful I could watch them all day. As far as whats available to me here in The United States I watch Comedy Central, G4 TV (when I'm desperate), History Channel, CNN, Fox News (FLOOL, yeah right!). The shows I'm really into are of a large variety: Invader Zim, The Simpsons, Futurama, Trigun, Samurai Shamploo (it's neat), Shouth Park, CNN Presents, Modern Marvels, Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Powerpuff Girls, Pimp My Ride (yes its amusing), Room Raiders, Assorted Documentaries, and few others I am sure I forgot. Oh yes I can keep myself quite entertained with my little idiot-box.
I don't read nearly as much as I should, however when I do pick up a book I get quite absorbed into the darned thing. Some favourites of mine are: The Shining, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Mayday, Animal Farm, Dreamcatcher, and well....suggest me something.
Tony and Daniel - my parents. Now in case you thought I meant Tony, Daniel AND my parents then you are mistaken, they are my parents. Also since there is litle room avaialbe check out this duck:
adopt your own virtual pet!