Paulino profile picture


dodging droppings...

About Me

+ MUSIC JUNKIE (ala John Cussak - High Fidelity) + an artist and a dreamer at heart + wanderlust in his soul + amorphous + spiritually guided + can curiosity really kill a cat? + Rufio from Peter Pan! + trivial pursuits + pack-rat + lifetime voyeur and learner + 80's kid wannabe + beach lover + emerses himself with new and diff experiences, ideas and people + loves exploring undiscovered thematic places and new creative gimiks + prefers intimate spaces w/ good company, rather than being around large groups of dislocated lemmings - unless in party mode! + eats his Oreos whole + may get grumpy when hungry + moods are very weather-centric + international man of mystery! + - - - - - [email protected] (YM: pservado, MSN: pino911)

My Interests

Endless sound trippin (no music, no life), drums/percs, travel and culture, surfing, capoeira, yoga, Zips (poi), firedancing, soccer, advertising, photography, writing, enlightening caffeine-induced convos, spirituality, collecting ephemera, chess, good food, ukay, altered states of consciousness, gigs, candles, incense, clubbing, positive skepticism, philo, grocery/hardware/bookstores, living and loving!

I'd like to meet:

People with substance and kindred spirits - with a good head on thier shoulders and an endearing heart for life's endless path of shit-covered pavement and flying pink elephants... ;p


Jack Johnson, Metric, Coheed, Kings of Convenience, Bright Eyes, Bjork, Death Cab, The Cure, Police, 90sGrunge, Incubus, Jimmy Eat World, Postal Service, Club 8, Sublime, Beatles, Doors, Blind Melon, Red Hot, Marley, Morissey, Chicane, Beach House, EBTG, Portishead, Massive Attack, Marvin Gaye, Al Green and much much more..


Waking Life, Requim for a Dream, Monty Pythons Search for the Holy Grail, Big, Almost Famous, Amelie, Logans Run, Cheech&Chong Up in Smoke, Princess Bride, Stand By Me, The Beach, Reality Bites, The Crow, Goonies, Dazed &Confused, foreign & art films


News channels, Discovery, National Geographic, Friends, The Wonder Years, Neighbors, Mork and Mindy, old British cartoon/comedy/game shows, Dark Angel (Jessica Alba!!), Whose Line Is It Anyway, CNN's The Music Room, Ren and Stimpy, That 70's Show


The Tesseract - Alex Garland, The Drifters - James A. Michner, Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka, Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov, The Celestine Prophesy - James Redman and my ultimate fave... Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham!


My dad!